
Virtual School post-16 support

Virtual School post-16 support

In the 全国探花 Virtual School team there are two learning advocates supporting young people who are post-16 children looked after.

The post-16 全国探花 Virtual School team helps young people aged 16 to 18 (in years 12 and 13) who are in care (Children Looked After, or CLA). These young people are both in and out of the county and in education, employment, training, or NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).

Every young person in care needs a Personal Education Plan (PEP), also known at post-16 as a Personal Progression Plan (PPP), which is reviewed three times a year. The PEP or PPP is part of their overall care plan.

Post-16 Learning Advocates (LA's) help manage the PEP or PPP process. They work with schools, social workers, employers, training providers, and other professionals to track progress. They also help remove any obstacles to success, ensuring that every young person in care has high expectations and opportunities to do well.

Virtual School post-16 information library

16 to 19 bursary

Any young person who continues their education after 16 can apply for the 16 to 19 bursary.

You can apply for the bursary even if you haven鈥檛 yet received an offer for September, whether it鈥檚 conditional or unconditional.

It's a good idea to submit your application early because you鈥檒l need to provide evidence, and gathering this can take time.


Applications must be made directly to the college or training provider.

You can find the application form on the college or training provider鈥檚 website.

For more details, visit: 

16 to 19 Bursary guidance for post-16 institutions

This is a link to the guidance for post-16 institutions to use when they are administering the bursary. If an institution is administering the bursary for the first time, see: 

Post-16 careers, information, advice and guidance

If a young person in care (CLA) aged 16 to 18 (years 12 and 13) is not in education, employment, or training (NEET), they can speak to a Careers Adviser from the NEET team for advice on their options in 全国探花.

You can contact them by:

If the young person is already in a programme but needs careers advice, they should ask for help from the provider they are working with.

Any CLA young person can also get advice from the Skills4全国探花 website on post-16 options: 

Blended Learning Resource

This project has been commissioned and created by 全国探花 Virtual School and HOW College, and provides useful information on post-16 learning options: 

This resource helps adults supporting young people to understand:

  • how to help young people make informed decisions about further education
  • the differences between school and further education
  • what support is available in further education, such as academic, pastoral, and financial help
  • what to expect from post-16 study

Statutory guidance

This is statutory guidance from the Department for Education (the department). A local authority must have regard to it when exercising its functions relating to the participation of young people in education or training.

See statutory guidance below:

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