
Pupil Premium Plus funding for Previously Looked After Children

Pupil Premium Plus funding for Previously Looked After Children

Find out more about Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) funding for Previously Looked After Children (PLAC).

What is PP+ for PLAC?

Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) funding for Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) is provided to improve the education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. It is paid directly to schools and not via virtual schools. 

Schools should ensure that PP+ is focused on effective approaches to raising pupils educational attainment, schools must use their PP+ in line with the ‘menu of approaches’ set by the Department for Education. You can find out more about using PP+ here,

The purpose of PP+ for PLAC is to raise educational attainment and close the gap between PLAC students and their peers.

Academy Schools are funded directly by the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). Maintained and independent schools are funded by the schools finance team within Council.

Entitlement of PP+ for PLAC

Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) are entitled to the highest level of PP+ which is: £2,570 (2024 to 2025).

For more information, see: 

PP+ allocations are paid on a financial year basis.

Schools October census return will determine the level of funding you receive for each designation of PP+. PP+ funding will only be allocated to schools for children who have been identified as previously looked after on the census.

How to qualify and access PP+ for PLAC


To qualify for PLAC status, children need to have been in the care of a local authority, before a new order of permanence; that is adoption, special guardianship order or child arrangement order (previously residency orders).

On entry to school please ensure that your school registration form clearly asks if the child has been previously looked after.

Children and young people in School (Year R to 11) who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order or a child arrangement order are eligible to attract PP+ funding

Accessing PP+

Schools should publicise in their newsletter regularly that additional funding is available via PP+ funding. It is up to the parents or guardians to declare. Ensure you are satisfied that the child is eligible for PLAC PP+. Take a copy of the court order or sign and date to show that you have seen it. This information is then recorded in the school census, the funding is dependent on the October census.

The Local Authority’s Virtual School does not receive the Pupil Premium Plus funding for these children. Academy Schools are funded directly by the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). Maintained and independent schools are funded by the schools finance team within the Council.

Important: the child needs to have been LOOKED AFTER prior to the Orders being granted. Children who have a private family arrangement are not eligible for PLAC PP+ and Children who return home to live with their parents or relatives (outside adoption, Special Guardianship Order (SGO) and Child Arrangement Order (CAO) do not qualify for previously LAC premium.

Using PP+ funding

The DfE consider it to be good practice for schools to work in partnership with parents, and to have transparent processes in place about what parents are spending PP+ on. The use of the Inclusion Plan will support the evidence for the decisions taken around PP+ funding.

School uniform

It is expected that a parent would provide school uniform for their child. If as a family you are experiencing financial difficulties and unable to provide a school uniform for your child, then please seek advice from your child’s school.

School trips, outings, and out of school clubs

It is expected that a parent will provide the financial support for additional curricular activities.

The allocation of PP+ to specific interventions should be evidence based and meet the individual needs of the child or young person. The Education Endowment Foundation provide schools with evidence of high impact strategies for disadvantaged learners.

If a parent or guardian’s financial situation is unable to support the cost of a trip, then please discuss with them as you would any other parent in a similar situation.

If you can identify how this will benefit the child’s academic progress and attainment, then PP+ funding may be used for out of school clubs. Use of the Inclusion plan will support you in making these decisions.

Buying equipment or staffing support

If you have identified how the child or young person will benefit from the equipment purchase or staffing resource this is acceptable. Schools will need to demonstrate evidence of impact of the PP+ grant for each previously looked after child. Use of the Inclusion Plan will support the monitoring process and measure if the school’s chosen strategies are making a positive difference.

When does PP+ start and finish?

Any child or young person attending school from the start of Reception Year to the end of Year 11 is eligible to receive PP+. Children who are electively home educated, educated in an independent setting or are post-16 students are currently not eligible for the funding.

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

To receive EYPP a child must be in receipt of early years funding and the family must meet at least 1 of the specified criteria. 

You can find a list of the criteria and more information about EYPP here: Early Years Pupil Premium

Useful links

You can find out more about using PP+ here:

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