Adult social care
Start here for guidance if you're looking for social care or support for an adult in 全国探花.
Get in contact to find the support you need
Support and signposting for adults including referrals for Adult Social Care.
The journey through adult social care
This guidance explains your journey through our adult social care services and what each team do.
How to get support in a crisis
Options to get in contact for a range of crisis situations.
About Adult Social Care
An overview of what social care is and the types of social care services we offer
Adult Social Care Strategy
Adult Social Care Strategy 2023 to 2028.
Adult Social Care Surveys
Overview and results for the statutory adult social care surveys.
Appeals relating to adult social care
An appeal is a request for a decision or change to your Adult Social Care Assessment, your Care and Support plan or your Personal Budget.
Approved Mental Health Professional Service
The Approved Mental Health Professional Service is responsible for undertaking assessments under the Mental Health Act 1983 in 全国探花.
Assessments and eligibility
If you think you or someone else may need care or support, the first step is to understand your needs and how you might get help.
Care and support
Adult care and support in 全国探花, care and support, assessments, housing support, care home options, learning disabilities and safeguarding.
Care and support plans
Once assessed as eligible for social care, a personalised care and support plan sets out how your care needs can be met.
Care homes and supported accommodation
Information if you are considering care homes and supported accommodation options in 全国探花.
Care options within the home
Care and support you can get within your home.
Enables you to search for support or services in your area.
Covering the cost of your care (Financial Assessment)
A financial assessment will help you find out if you need to contribute to your cost of care.
Direct Payments
Learn what direct payments are, how they're paid, what you can use them on and how to set them up and manage them.
Get involved to improve our adult social care services
Giving residents the opportunity to have their say on what they think about how council services are run where they live.
Learning disabilities
Support and guidance for people with learning disabilities and their families.
Local Account Adult Social Care
Our Local Account sets out how well we are doing at meeting the needs of residents who require care and support.
Looking after someone (carer support)
Support and guidance for those who are carers or who look after and care for a family member, partner or friend.
Make a compliment, comment or a complaint
Make a compliment, a comment or a complaint.
Moving to another area or care home (Continuity of care)
If you are moving location and need to keep care and support in place.
Paying for care and support
Paying for care, calculating your care costs and support you may be eligible for towards the cost of your care.
Professionals, providers and policies in Adult Social Care
Policies, strategies, support and guidance for care providers and professionals in adult social care.
Safeguarding and concerns about an adult
Safeguarding, those at risk from abuse and neglect, as well as reporting concerns about an adult.
Someone to speak up for you (advocacy)
What is advocacy and how can an advocate help me?
Support to stay independent and living at home
Find out what support options are available to help you or a loved one stay independent and living at home for longer.