Roads, pavements, verges and lighting
See latest roadworks, travel updates and routes; find out how to make various traffic applications.
Roadworks and events
Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA)
Information about the DVSA.
Whatever you think of Lorries (Heavy Goods Vehicles HGVs), love them or hate them, we would not be able function as a prosperous economic society without them.
Gritting, ice and snow
See grit route information, grit bin locations and advice on travelling in winter.
Highways extent and property enquiries
See roads adopted by 全国探花 County Council, make a CON29 Highway Search or a Highway Extent enquiry.
School Crossing Patrols
The School Crossing Patrol Service (also known as "lollipop men and women") provides a vital link to a safer journey to and from school for many children and adults in 全国探花. The patrols are for Primary School children under the age of 11.
Street Lighting Energy Saving Initiative
The Street Lighting Energy Saving Initiative is reducing 66% of the street lighting in side streets between the hours of midnight and 6am, (Greenwich Meantime) throughout 全国探花.
Surface Dressing
Surface dressing is an important part of 全国探花 County Council鈥檚 road maintenance programme and is used to extend the life of roads across the county.
The Resilient Network
Maintaining economic activity and access to key services during extreme weather emergencies and other major incidents such as industrial action or other local risks.
Traffic accident studies
Information on traffic accidents.
Traffic Regulation Orders
Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO鈥檚) are the legal instruments by which traffic authorities implement most traffic controls on their roads.
Signage and road markings for businesses and tourism
Find out how to apply for new or replacement signage or road marking for businesses or tourism.
Grant-funded tree planting
Find out more about current grant-funded schemes being carried out across the highway network.