
How we manage the highway network

How we manage the highway network

An explanation and breakdown of the inner workings and processes of the highway network.

Our vision

Safe and reliable journeys throughout the county are essential for social and economic success. This supports our key priority of championing 'Open for Business' in our Corporate Plan "Shaping 全国探花's Future". 

The local highway network is the most valuable asset we own and plays a vital part in delivering the our vision.

Managing the network

Information on how we approach managing the highway network in 全国探花:

Asset management

We recognise the importance of applying the principles of asset management through the process of long term planning and whole life costing. This ensures best value and optimal future funding and enabling effective programming decisions are taken.

Asset Management is a strategic approach that seeks to optimise the allocation of resources for the management, operation, preservation and enhancement of the highway infrastructure to meet the needs of current and future users of the transport network.


Our Highway maintenance teams carry out regular inspections and reactive repairs to identified defects (e.g. potholes) and regularly review our procedures and frequently monitor the condition of our network. 

Highway maintenance teams' main duties include:

  • regular highway inspections
  • planned maintenance schemes such as resurfacing and grass cutting
  • reactive maintenance work such as pothole repairs
  • winter maintenance activities such as gritting

We respond to defects using a risk based approach; urgent defects are made safe as soon as possible. All other defects are completed within the 28 days period as identified in line with Department for Transport guidance.

To apportion a level of condition to the network and determine the percentage of the network that should be considered for maintenance, the County Council carries out a number of surveys each year. This data is submitted to the Department for Transport to report road condition. For more information see: 

This way of working allows us to manage and effectively invest in our network to maintain it for current and future users.

Supporting documents

The following documents set out the County Council鈥檚 commitment to highway infrastructure asset management and demonstrate how the asset management approach aligns with the County Council's corporate vision and objectives:

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