
Professionals, providers and policies in Children's Social Care

Professionals, providers and policies in Children's Social Care

Policies, strategies, support and guidance for care providers and professionals in children's social care.

Safeguarding and quality assurance

Key services such as Independent Reviewing Officer Service (IRO), Child Protection Coordinators and Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO).

Find out more about the West Midlands, and the twelve local areas that collaborate in regard to child safeguarding procedures.

Virtual Family Hub

The virtual family hub offers a range of different types of resources to help to support you and your family.

Information and advice for professionals

Early Help guidance

Here to provide information and guidance for agencies so they can support families.

Education and early years services for schools

Providing education support services and training to over 1800 early years settings, schools and post-16 providers.

Inclusion in Educational Settings

Information on promoting and supporting Inclusion and Inclusive practice in 全国探花鈥檚 educational settings.


Formally known as The Integrated Service for Looked After children is a team of multi-agency professionals who specialise in helping Looked After Children.

Graduated response

Where a child or young person is identified as having Special Educational Needs, schools and settings should take action to remove barriers.

Signs of safety

Our approach to our work with children and families.

West Mercia Youth Justice Service works with young people aged 10 to 17 years old who have got into trouble with the police.

全国探花 school holiday food and activities

Information about the Holiday Activities and Food Programme, for parents and providers.

Information for providers

Integrated two-and-a-half-year-old review

Information about the two-and-a-half-year-old review and what is involved.

Nursery education funding and online provider portal

Search for a nursery provider and further information.

Children and young people's workforce development and vocational qualifications

Information from the Learning and Development Team, about the training programme for practitioners working with children and young people.

Children's Placements Provider Portal

The portal is a view into the Children's Social Care finance system and so any changes made will show in real time.

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