
Appeals relating to adult social care

Appeals relating to adult social care

An appeal is a request for a decision or change to your Adult Social Care Assessment, your Care and Support plan or your Personal Budget.

We try to make sure that we always provide a high-quality service and sort problems out straight away wherever possible, but we know that there may be times when you are not satisfied. Our appeals process is a simple way for you to ask us to review a decision we have made.

What is an Appeal?

An appeal is the process for a decision about whether you are eligible to receive funded social care, your assessments, your personal budget or your support plan to be reviewed. It is one of a range of options for dealing with concerns or complaints.

If you do not agree about your Financial Assessment or Care Contribution, please firstly contact the finance officer you have be working with.

Who can appeal?

Any adult (or their carer, family or representative) who has:

  • been assessed as eligible to receive social care support
  • been assessed as not eligible to receive social care support or
  • has a request for a decision or change to their support plan
  • and you do not agree with the outcome

Can someone else appeal on my behalf?

As long as you meet the above criteria, an appeal can be made on your behalf by anyone who:

  • is your recognised representative (for example, a relative, a carer, an advocate or someone with power of attorney) or
  • has your permission to appeal on your behalf.

What if I need help to make an appeal?

If you need help to make an appeal, please contact your allocated social worker and we will help you find an advocacy service (someone who will act on your behalf).

What can I appeal about?

The following issues can be dealt with through the appeals process.

  • eligibility, our decision on whether you are eligible to receive social care support, or what needs we should meet
  • self-assessment, whether you feel we have taken account of the information you provided
  • assessment, the results of our assessment of your needs
  • support plan, about how the outcomes set out in your support plan are met
  • personal budget, the amount of money allocated to you to meet your needs

If you do not agree about your Financial Assessment or Care Contribution, please firstly contact the finance officer you have be working with.

How do I appeal?

Stage 1 of Appeal

We would seek to resolve any concerns you have at an early stage. 

If you disagree with your social care assessment. Please firstly contact the allocated Social Care Practitioner who has been working with you, so that they can make any amendments or changes.

If you disagree with the decision about your care and support plan or personal budget. Please firstly contact the allocated Social Care Practitioner who has been working with you, so that they can make any amendments or changes. Or they will be able to explain and clarify things for you.

We will review the information with you and make one of the following decisions:

  • the original assessment/support plan was right
  • we will update the assessment based on your extra information
  • we need to see you again for a further assessment

Stage 2 of Appeal

If you continue to disagree with an assessment of your adult social care needs or a decision taken about your Care and Support Plan. Please inform your allocated Social Care Practitioner who will then:

Ask the appropriate manager to review the decision and inform of their findings

We may have to arrange a meeting that you can attend to discuss the appeal if the issue is about risk either to you or others.

If you wish to make an appeal, please contact your allocated Social Work Practitioner within 10 working days of your signed agreed Assessment.

If they are not available, please contact the Adult Front Door on 01905 768053 who will signpost you to the appropriate team.

We will acknowledge receipt of your appeal within 10 working days of the allocated Social Work Practitioner receiving the appeal.

We expect to let you have a final decision within 20 working days from the date we acknowledge we have received it.

If it takes us longer to make a decision, we will keep you up to date with what is happening.

What happens next?

You may be contacted during the appeal process to discuss a resolution or to provide more information to support your appeal.

If you are not satisfied with the final outcome of your appeal then, you can raise a complaint via compliments, comments or complaints.

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