
How to get support in a crisis

How to get support in a crisis

Options to get in contact for a range of situations.

In all circumstances if you feel your own or someone else is in immediate danger you should call the police by dialling 999.  

Report a safeguarding concern

Sometimes adults with care and support needs are unable to protect themselves from the risk or experience of abuse or neglect. 

'Safeguarding' is a term that describes the process for protecting them, and it is covered by law 

To report a safeguarding concern please call 01905 768053 

If you would like safeguarding advice please phone 01905 843189 (note this number does not accept referrals) 

Professionals can complete an online form to

If your safeguarding concern is out of normal hours please see the section below to find out more about our Out of Hours Service and when to contact them.  

More about safeguarding and how to report a concern.

Discuss care and support needs

If you feel yourself or someone else would benefit from care and support you can contact us to discuss your situation and ways to get support. This may include us referring you for a Care and Support Assessment.

Emergency out of hours social work

What is the out of hours social work service?

The Emergency Duty Team (EDT) provides an out of hours response, on behalf of È«¹ú̽»¨ Social Care Services and Herefordshire Children's Services, to emergency situations that arise outside normal Social Care office hours. 

Emergency out of hours social work

Urgent mental health support

Call 999 or go to A&E if you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe. A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one. 

Please consider whether your GP, the È«¹ú̽»¨ Mental Healthline or the NHS 111 service can help before travelling to A&E 

For more information and support available please visit our Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention page

Domestic abuse

In an emergency always dial 999 and ask for police. If you are not safe to speak - call 999 and then press 55. 

Guidance on the silent calls ("Silent solution"): . 

For more information and where to get support see our domestic abuse webpage.

Homelessness and Housing

Homelessness and housing support is provided by the local district council where you live.

For more information about how to access support please visit our homelessness and housing page.

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