
Direct Payments

Direct Payments

Learn what direct payments are, how they're paid, what you can use them on and how to set them up and manage them.

What is a Direct Payment?

A Direct Payment (DP) allows you to receive money to purchase your identified care and support needs, including paying for care agencies or buying equipment.

Instead of 全国探花 County Council purchasing care for you, we will give you the budget to purchase some or all your care needs yourself. The budget can be managed by you or a representative.

For more in depth information, download: Your Guide to Direct Payments booklet (PDF)

Want to know more about Direct Payments?

Below is a useful video on using the card portal:

How Direct Payments work

Following a care assessment (Care Act 2014 assessment), you will get a personal budget. This is the total amount you will receive for your care and support. Your Social Care Worker will help you explore the support available in your community that may interest you and meet your needs. 

You can choose to have all or part of your personal budget as a Direct Payment. 

Direct Payments give you more choice, control, and flexibility over your care and support arrangements.

Who can have a Direct Payment? 

As well as completing a care assessment you must be: 

  • a disabled person aged 16 years and above
  • a parent of (or people with parental responsibility for) disabled children
  • a carer aged 16 years and above
  • a disabled person with parental responsibilities for a child
  • an appointed suitable or authorised person (agreed by the Council) for someone who lacks capacity

In most cases, the Council must offer Direct Payments, but for some people who are subject to some mental health legislation or aspects of criminal justice legislation the Council have the power rather than duty. Please ask your social work team more about this. Some people who are placed under certain conditions by courts in relation to drug and alcohol dependencies, are excluded from receiving Direct Payments.

Types of Direct Payment accounts

Managed account

This is an account that is managed by a Direct Payment support service. The support service will ensure financial elements such as wages and tax bills are paid correctly.

Pre-payment card account 

This is an account we will set up for you, we will provide you with a pre-payment card that is simple and easy to use. You can then pay for services through the card or online bank transfers. 

Your Social Care Worker will talk through these options and other alternatives to work out what is best for you.

Setting up a Direct Payment

When you decide that you would like a Direct Payment, we will ask you to: 

  • agree the type of account  
  • sign a Direct Payment agreement
  • pay your client contribution into the account 

You'll need to understand the agreement that you are being asked to sign.

The person from 全国探花 County Council who is helping you to arrange your care should explain these in more detail to you.

How to set up your pre-payment account

If you need help with your Direct Payment

If you feel that you can鈥檛 manage your Direct Payment on your own there are several options for you.

Nominated Person 

You may nominate a person (family member, friend, etc) to manage the account for you.

Authorised Person

This is your Power of Attorney, or deputy appointed by the Office of Public Guardianship.

Suitable Person

Someone who the 鈥淎uthorised Person鈥 (where there is one) and who the Local Authority agree is suitable to make Direct Payments on your behalf if you have been assessed as lacking capacity to manage Direct Payments.

Managing Agent

The Direct Payment Support Service can manage the account on your behalf to ensure services are paid.

All the above supporting persons would need to sign the Direct Payment Agreement.

What can and can't a Direct Payment be used for?

people doing activities like dancing shopping and using a computer

You can only use your DP for services that we have agreed in your care and support plan. These may include:

  • employing someone to help you, such as a personal assistant, see Employing a personal assistant for more information on this
  • using a home care agency  
  • paying to attend a day care service
  • paying for respite care services
  • paying for leisure activities
  • buying equipment to help you 

You cannot use your DP to pay for:

  • permanent care in a residential or nursing care home
  • ordinary household expenses such as utility bills, rent or mortgage payments or food
  • household items e.g. furniture
  • anything illegal
  • anything that does not contribute to meeting your needs that you have agreed in your care and support plan
  • health services that should be provided by the NHS
  • employing a close family member living in the same household, unless the local authority has agreed this

Experience of those who already use Direct Payments

Donna and Nathan's story

Winston's story

Client Contribution

What is Client Contribution? 

Your Social Care Worker will refer you for your financial assessment which will determine your Client Contribution. If your financial assessment identifies that you need to pay a contribution, you need to pay this into the account as the first part of the Direct Payment. The Council will pay the remainder of your budget into the account every 4 weeks. When added together these two amounts will make up your full Direct Payment and these amounts will be clearly explained in your Direct Payment agreement.

Your client contribution is reviewed annually or when your financial situation changes. When your weekly contribution rate changes, you will need to amend the amount you pay into the account and The Council will adjust the funds we pay to form the total budget in place. 

Payment schedules

On set up of the Direct Payment, funds will arrive in the account from Worcester County Council (WCC) on the next available payment run. Once you have access to your Direct Payment account you must pay your client contribution in from the start date and either weekly or every 4 weekly. Funds from The Council will be paid in every 4 weeks. 

Worcester county council pay in advance to ensure you have enough funds to pay for your required services. When a Direct Payment ends, this will cause an over payment which will be reclaimed by The Council.

Last date for NEW Pre Payment/ Managed accounts Last date for amendments Finalised payment run date Direct payment funds in the account on: This payment covers for the following dates (from): This payment covers for the following dates (to):
Wednesday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Saturday Friday
06/03/2024 11/03/2024 13/03/2024 19/03/2024 30/03/2024 26/04/2024
03/04/2024 08/04/2024 10/04/2024 16/04/2024 27/04/2024 24/05/2024
01/05/2024 06/05/2024 08/05/2024 14/05/2024 25/05/2024 21/06/2024
29/05/2024 03/06/2024 05/06/2024 11/06/2024 22/06/2024 19/07/2024
26/06/2024 01/07/2024 03/07/2024 09/07/2024 20/07/2024 16/08/2024
24/07/2024 29/07/2024 31/07/2014 06/08/2024 17/08/2024 13/09/2024
21/08/2024 26/08/2024 28/08/2024 03/09/2024 14/09/2024 11/10/2024
18/09/2024 23/09/2024 25/09/2024 01/10/2024 12/10/2024 08/11/2024
16/10/2024 21/10/2024 23/10/2024 29/10/2024 09/11/2024 06/12/2024
13/11/2024 18/11/2024 20/11/2024 26/11/2024 07/12/2024 03/01/2025
11/12/2024 16/12/2024 18/12/2024 24/12/2024 04/01/2025 31/01/2025
08/01/2025 13/01/2025 15/01/2025 21/01/2025 01/02/2025 28/02/2025
05/02/2025 10/02/2025 12/02/2025 18/02/2025 01/03/2025 28/03/2025
05/03/2025 10/03/2025 17/03/2025 21/03/2025 29/03/2025 25/04/2025

Please note the March payment run has been delayed by 3 days to include the new contribution rates for April 2025, but all accounts should have enough funds as we have advance paid and so have already received WCC part of the budget prior to these dates.

*Brokerage cease sending tasks to the DP team on the Payment run days when Payment run is in process

**Bank Holidays or unplanned events may change the above dates.

Reviewing your Direct Payments

Initial review

We will contact you after 4 to 6 weeks of your Direct Payment start date, to make sure everything is going ok with your Direct Payment.

Annual Review

A care and support review will take place annually to make sure your support plan is meeting your needs. It will cover:

  • ensuring payments are in line with your support plan
  • client contribution is being paid in line with your financial assessment
  • insurance is in place
  • DBS is in place for personal assistants or self-employed carers
  • services are being paid appropriately
  • check annual PA wage increase if needed
  • new Direct Payment agreement in place if changes in the Direct Payment budget is required
  • contingency funding

What if my situation changes?

If there are any changes to your situation or circumstances, you can request an early review so your needs continue to be met. 

Ending a Direct Payment

There are circumstances where it is appropriate to temporarily cease or suspend a Direct Payment, or even terminate the Direct Payment.

For example:

  • the individual is no longer eligible for Council support
  • the individual has an extended period away from their main residence
  • loss of capacity of the individual or regaining capacity to consent to a Direct Payment
  • problems with the management of the Direct Payment, including breaching terms of the Direct Payment agreement
  • safeguarding concerns
  • death of the individual

This decision could be made by the Direct Payment recipient, the nominated person, suitable authorised person, or the Council.

Contacts and further advice

  • for general enquiries, visit the contact us page or speak to your social worker
  • for a discussion about your needs, contact Adult Front Door
  • visit , a free service, which has been commissioned to provide information and support on behalf of The Council to direct payment recipients, this includes employment support.
  • for prepayment account advice, call: 0330 808 0102 between 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday.
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