
Finding and paying for care and support myself (self funding)

Finding and paying for care and support myself (self funding)

If you are funding care yourself we can still help you to search for and arrange care and support to meet your needs.

People arrange their own social care for different reasons

If you are paying the full cost of your care, you are known as a self-funder.

This means that either: 

  • you have chosen not to approach adult social care for help 
  • you have had a needs assessment but you do not meet the criteria for any care and support
  • your savings are above £23,250 

Help to find care

If you are funding care yourself we can still help you to search for and arrange care and support to meet your needs in the same way as those who receiving funding. You don’t need to have had a financial assessment to access the service.

Arranging Care at Home 

For a simple one-off charge we can help you make informed choices about the different options offered by providers, including the cost of that care, to meet your care needs. 

This is a fast and reliable service which means you get the care you need as quickly as possible, without the hassle of negotiating costs with numerous providers. 

The service includes: 

  • a search of our contracted providers (over 100), all of whom are registered with the Care Quality Commission, within three working days – results are normally returned within 24 hours 
  • professional help and advice from qualified social workers to enable you to make an informed decision on the providers most suitable for your care needs 

The cost per search is £76.80.  

To access this service please get in touch, for an initial discussion.

Please note: You will be required to make payment before we undertake any searches on your behalf.  

Arranging care yourself

You can search and arrange your own care by contacting care providers directly.  

To find out more about arranging your own care and find a list of local care providers please visit or if you prefer a printed copy, please contact us so we can arrange for one to be sent to you in the post.  

For more information on types of care, things to consider and some tips on what questions to ask providers take a look at our Care and Support page or Support to live independently pages.  

Deferred Payment Agreements

A Deferred Payment Agreement is designed for people who own their own home, but either do not wish to or cannot sell it immediately and cannot meet the full cost of their care home fees from their other income or capital.

More information is on our deferred payments page.

When savings fall to the capital limit 

If you are paying for the full costs of your care because your capital is over the threshold limit of £23,250, over time your capital may reduce. Once you are close to the threshold you can contact È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council for assistance with your care costs. 

We will arrange to assess your care and support needs and carry out a financial assessment

The financial assessment will determine the date any funding from the council can start from and your contribution to pay towards your care. Please contact us in the first instance.
If you have given away money or property in order to avoid paying for your care, we will need to consider whether you, or the person who received the gift, is liable for some or all of the costs. Take a read of our Deprivation of Assets policy (PDF).

Independent Financial Advice

For many residents, it's important to have sound financial advice in order to make carefully considered plans for later life, or to help with care costs. 

Such advice should be independent so you feel confident that you're getting the best advice possible. A suitably qualified financial adviser will be able to provide impartial advice and help you navigate through the complexities of care funding. 

Local authorities are required to help signpost people to independent financial advice about care and support. 

We cannot make a recommendation to use one particular financial adviser but we can signpost you to sources of help. We suggest you make your own choice by selecting one of the members of the . 

Cost of financial advice 

Most advisers will offer an initial consultation at no cost to you and without obligation. 

The financial advisor must explain to you how much their advice will cost and set out charges in a clear way, ensuring you understand how much you are paying and what you are paying for. 

There may be extra charges for looking after your investments or providing advice on a regular basis. If you're getting investment advice, ask your advisor if the costs include a review of your investments from time to time or if you must pay for that service separately. 

Third Party Top Ups

What is a third party top up? 

A person who needs care may sometimes choose a place to live that costs more than the amount of their Personal Budget.

When this happens an arrangement will need to be put in place for paying the additional cost. 

This additional cost is known as a ‘top-up’ payment. It is the difference between the Personal Budget that the Council can provide and the actual cost of the care home.  

This ‘top-up’ payment can only be paid by a third party and not by the person receiving care. The person receiving care will have a contribution to pay towards their care in addition to this. 

The third party must be able to continue to afford to pay the top up. Evidence from the third party will be required to show they can afford this from their own income or savings. The social worker will request this and an agreement must be signed.

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