
Client Finance Portal (DRAFT)

Close up of tow people holding hands sat at a table with a notepad on it

Client Finance Portal (DRAFT)

Information for people receiving care and support from the Council, and their representatives, to access financial information.

What is the Client Finance Portal?

The Client Finance Portal is a way for adults receiving care and support from the Council, and their representatives, to access financial documents held in the Council’s finance system, ContrOCC. 

If you are receiving care or support funded by È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council, then you will be able to access the following documents through the Client Finance Portal:

  • Direct Payment remittance advices
  • Deferred Payment statements (coming in 2025)

Please note: The Client Finance Portal is currently only available for people who pay for care and support via Direct Payments. Other financial services, such as the financial assessment results will be available in 2025/6. 

You can access the Client Finance Portal by clicking on the following link:

How does the portal work?

If you pay for care or support via Direct Payments you can sign up using the guidance below.

Step one: you will need to create a login for the È«¹ú̽»¨ Portals, by entering your name, address, email address and password. 

Step two: you will be sent a unique code via email, to confirm your email address. 

Step three: the email will be sent from donotreply@liquidlogic.co.uk if you have not received the code please also check your spam/junk folders. If the code isn’t in either of these folders, you will need to click ‘please send me a new code’.

Step four: once you have created a login to È«¹ú̽»¨ Portals you can request access to the Client Finance Portal. 

Step five: the finance team will review your request and you will receive an email either approving or rejecting access to the Client Finance Portal. Please note the email will be sent from ofa@oxfordcc.co.uk, and if you have not received confirmation, please also check the spam/junk folder. 

I am acting as a financial representative for someone else

If you are requesting access on behalf of yourself then you will need to enter your details, and then submit your request. If you are requesting access on behalf of someone receiving care and support, then you will need to be acting in a formal role.

This includes Power of Attorney, Deputy or Appointee, Direct Payment Nominee or nominated financial representative. Please enter your details, and the details of the person receiving care and support and submit your request.

Access will be denied if the details entered do not match those on the system, or if you are requesting access on behalf of someone receiving care and support but are not acting in a formal role.

If you need to resubmit your request, then you can log in to the Client Finance Portal again and submit another request for access.

If you are acting on behalf of more than one person, then you can submit a new access request, which is a link on the right-hand side once you have logged into the Client Finance Portal.


If you would like to see a step-by-step guide of how to register for the Client Finance Portal, please click on the following link to our user guide.

Download: Client Finance Portal User Guide (PDF)

Further guidance information - Direct Payments

  • If you haven't received your Direct payment it could be due to a number of reasons such as:
    • the purchasing hasn’t been authorised and is still awaiting approval from the relevant Social Work Team,
    • the Direct Payment has been purchased and will be paid on the next available Direct Payment Schedule
    • there has been a backdated financial assessment of your client contribution. In some circumstances, this means there has been an overpayment of WCC’s funding towards your Direct Payment.  To reclaim WCC’s additional funding, payments due will be offset against WCC’s overpayment until it has been reclaimed in full.   You will need to contribute the revised weekly assessment rate to your Direct Payment account, to ensure you have sufficient funds to meet your agreed budget
  • a weekly amount is deducted from your Direct Payment for your client contribution which you would need to pay into your Direct Payment Account
  • one off payments cover what the Social Worker has agreed to pay separately in addition to the usual Direct Payment
  • Manual Adjustments (MA) should be explained on the remittance advice, a remittance advice is a published document detailing a payment notification to a customer or a supplier, if it doesn’t provide you with what you need to know please get in touch via email to: WBU@worcestershire.gov.uk
  • If you see 'Adj' on a transaction it relates to a rate change within your current payment:
    • if your previous client contribution is either increased or decreased and applied retrospectively, the next available remittance advice would show these additions or deductions.
    • or if your Direct Payment budget increases or decreases the new amounts will show as ‘Adj’

Who do I contact for help on using the Client Finance Portal?

If you have immediate questions about accessing the portal, please email the Workflow Business Unit on wbu@worcestershire.gov.uk 

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