
Pre-paid card switchover

Pre-paid card switchover

Information about the pre-paid card provider change for Direct Payments.

As you know we are changing our Direct Payment card provider from EML Payments Ltd to Allpay Limited. 

Below you will find further information to help guide you through the switchover. If you have any  queries or concerns, please contact us via: 01905 843173 

Why are we changing?

As contracts expire, Local Authorities must check to see who could provide the best service on behalf of 全国探花 County Council. We use this opportunity to see what is working well and is still needed and what is not working so well.

We check if there are any gaps in services and identify any opportunities for changes to the service to meet current and future needs in line with current best practice. As a result of this work, it has been decided we must change who provides our pre-paid cards and our new prepaid card provider will be allpay ltd.

What happens to the money on my current card/account?

You do not need to worry about any existing or remaining funds in your account. All monies will be transferred by us from your existing account to the new account.

This will take place throughout the day and there may be a delay before the balance is available on the allpay card, but it will be available that day.

From 16 May 2024, the account you are currently using (the black card) will be frozen, and your funds transferred. You will only be able to use your new card (the purple card) from that date.

Before 16 May, please ensure you login to your EML account and download your statements from the last 18 months. You will lose access to this account on 16 May 2024 so will not be able to do this after then. You will need to keep these statements for when we carry out your annual financial check.

Where do I pay the client contribution to?

You must continue to pay your client contribution, and this must be in to your new account so please make arrangements for this change from 16 May 2024. This could include contacting your bank to change any direct debits or standing orders.

Can I keep my current card?

No, from 16 May 2024, the account you are currently using (the black card) will be frozen, and your funds transferred. You will only be able to use your new card (the purple card) from that date.

Please ensure you login to your current EML account to download your statements from the last 18 months before you lose access on 16 May 2024. You will need to keep these statements for when we ask you for them when we carry out your annual financial check.

Next steps and checking your balance

When you receive your new allpay card in the post, please follow the instructions to activate it.

Once you have activated the card you will be able to login to the allpay online portal to check your balance.

Please do this as soon as possible and let us know if there are any issues via our dedicated help line: 01905 843173. The help line will be open from 15 April to 14 June 2024 and is specifically for this move to allpay Direct Payment pre-paid card support.

Please note: For you to gain access the allpay online portal we will need your email address. If you have recently changed your email, or have not provided us with one, you can contact allpay directly to activate your account.

If you do not use email, you can call allpay Customer Service who provide a telephone service similar to telephone banking. allpay Customer Service: 0330 808 0102

Who do I speak to if I have a query?

If you want to speak to us about your allpay direct payment account, you can call our dedicated helpline on: 01905 843173

For technical support such as help with your account or card activation please call allpay directly on: 0330 808 0102 or email: enquiries@allpay.net

Is the process of logging in/making payments different?

Yes, but the process is like as before. You will receive full set up instructions and guidance on accessing your online portal, making payments and using your card from allpay in the coming days.

Do I have to let my providers (services I am paying for) know?

No, this is not necessary. Your provider will receive payment as normal as long as you have set up your new payment methods i.e. direct debits/standing orders.

Where can I use the card?

There is no change to existing use, meaning you can use the new card for the same purposes and in the same way as the old one.

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