The strategic role adaptation does not require direct intervention with kinship children and their carers, but this system-wide approach has the potential to benefit children in all types of kinship placements, including those in informal arrangements.
There are activities that the adapted virtual school head strategic role should include:
- raising awareness of the needs and disadvantage of children in different types of kinship care arrangements
This could include ensuring that the unique experiences and different kinds of kinship arrangements are visible in existing training for schools, including for the roles of designated teacher and DSL, and other learning support services such as those for children with SEND. It could also include influencing the education system to have a kinship friendly culture, as well as working with education settings to identify the distinct needs of children in kinship arrangements.
- promoting practice that supports attendance and engagement of kinship children in education
This could include facilitating partnerships between, and within, education settings, local authority children鈥檚 social care including any designated kinship teams, and voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations that work with kinship families.
- promoting practice that improves the educational attainment of children in kinship care
This could include working with education settings to strengthen how they address barriers to educational progress for kinship children.