
Virtual School news and events

Virtual School news and events

A variety of different activities and events available to those within the Virtual School.


Communications to schools, downloads:

È«¹ú̽»¨letter archive


Open each section below for more information on events and activities:


Artslink is supported by all 14 West Midlands Virtual Schools, and aims to ensure that all care experienced children and young people in the region have the opportunity to get involved in arts and culture and develop as learners, as people and as artists. Our offer includes:

  • events run by clusters of Virtual Schools, such as Give It A Go days (trying new artforms and activities out) and professional artists supporting other Virtual School events such as award ceremonies
  • regional activities, such as Look Inside days (e.g. BBC, music studio) and massed performing groups, such as choirs, for showcase events

For further information on the work and activities which Artlink provide, please visit:

Connect and Create

This is a website commissioned by the West Midlands Virtual Schools for care experienced Children and young people. It provides exciting arts activities, creative challenges, information on career pathways and links to arts resources and events:

Psychological First Aid: supporting children and young people from Future Learn

Participants will:

  • develop an understanding of what Psychological First Aid is
  • learn to identify who would benefit from support and how best to give help across the different age groups and also for those who might need extra support because of different needs

Prior knowledge or experience is not required as this introductory course.

The course is free and available for all:

  • frontline workers such as teachers
  • health and social workers
  • charity and community volunteers
  • anyone who cares for or is regularly in contact with children and young people aged up to 25, including parents and caregivers

It takes about three hours to complete (split into three sessions that the learner can complete at their own pace) and no previous qualifications are required. 

Find out more information and sign up for the courses:

Try it, dream it, achieve it

A new sports initiative is underway to create a universal entitlement to sports provision for all children in care.

It will work on the three principles of:

  • try it
  • dream it
  • achieve it 

Offering a wide range of experiences and opportunities to enable our children to develop their interests and talents, enabling sports specialism, developing independence and entrepreneurship and potentially even leading to qualifications and careers.

Here are some sporting organisations which are encouraging young people to ‘try it, dream it, achieve it’ which can be done at home:

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