What remote education will be made available for learners?
Young Adult Learning È«¹ú̽»¨ delivery partners have the appropriate infrastructure, software and/or tools to support remote learning successfully. During initial assessment learners will undertake a digital assessment and appropriate training delivered to strengthen the technological support for students in their use of learning technologies.
Learners will be set up on Teams/Zoom/Google Education to access remote delivery where required. All teaching sessions will be available virtually for learners isolating or shielding during the pandemic.
Learning resources and completed work will be exchanged via OneFile and email. BKSB online resources will be used to continue the development of English and Maths skills.
What arrangements will be made such as timetabling, virtual learning environments and assessment arrangements?
Timetabled lessons will remain as planned with learners accessing live lessons simultaneously either face to face or remotely. Wherever possible assessments will be arranged on an individual basis and in line with the awarding body recommendations.
For practical assessments that cannot be completed online, arrangements will be made for learners to access COVID safe centres, socially distancing.
What we expect of our learners?
Young Adult Learning È«¹ú̽»¨ is targeted provision, our centres will remain open to all our learners throughout the pandemic. All learners are expected to attend face to face delivery unless they are unwell, isolating or shielding themselves or someone they live with.
Learners accessing lessons remotely through Zoom/Teams/Google Education will be sent links via text/email to confirm when to log into lessons. All learners will be expected to log into lessons at least twice every day and assigned work accessed through BKSB and OneFile to be completed and uploaded to be assessed by tutors.
Arrangements we will make for learners studying courses that require specialist equipment or facilities?
Most of the Young Adult Learning È«¹ú̽»¨ provision focuses on employability skills that can be pursued without the need for specialist equipment and lends itself to online learning.
Where vocational qualifications are being delivered, remote learning will focus on the theoretical element of the qualification and the practical elements delivered in centre.
What support will you make available for students without devices, connectivity or a suitable environment for learning?
Young Adult Learning È«¹ú̽»¨ delivery partners will undertake a digital technology assessment during induction to ensure all learners have the devices and connectivity to work remotely where required.
If the environment they are in is not suitable for learning, all centres will remain open and as the provision is small class sizes and high learner-tutor ratio, social distancing can be maintained in the classroom.
Additional support we will make available for learners with SEND?
Young Adult Learning È«¹ú̽»¨ delivery partners will ensure that additional support is provided for learners with Special Educational Needs or Disability and 1:1 learning/pastoral/mentoring sessions are provided whether face to face or remote.