Short Breaks
Short Breaks for children and young people aged 5 to 18 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
What is a Short Break?
We are required by law to provide Short Breaks as part of the Local Offer to meet the needs of Children and Young People aged 5 to 18 with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families within È«¹ú̽»¨.
Short Breaks vary depending on the needs of the child, young person, and their family. A short break could last a few hours, a day, an evening, overnight or for a weekend. They could take place in or away from the home. It could range from an activity like an afterschool club to an overnight stay with a carer or at a short break unit.
They provide opportunities for children and young people with disabilities and Special Educational Needs to experience positive experiences, activities, and clubs, ideally within their community, that they would not ordinarily be able to access due to their additional needs.
Short Breaks enable Children and Young People to spend time away from their family, develop new friendships, new skills and enjoy different activities in a safe and supportive environment.
Short Breaks provide carers of disabled children a break from their caring responsibilities, time to spend with family and friends, to access their own hobbies or to catch up on day-to-day tasks.
There are different types of Short Breaks which are detailed below.
Download: Short Breaks Service Statement (PDF)