Short break groups and activities (SEND)
There are lots of groups and activities open to any child or young person who has a special educational need and/or disability.Â
The È«¹ú̽»¨ Groups, Activities and Short Breaks have been commissioned up to June 2024; and this year we have joined this up with our Holidays, Activities, and Food (HAF) programme. Through this work we have ensured that we have commissioned a diverse range of provisions that are able to meet children and young people’s needs both in terms of complexity and geographical locations. We are committed to continuing to develop this offer to È«¹ú̽»¨ children and we will be seeking feedback shortly from parent/carers and children and young people who have accessed these services over the Easter holidays to inform the summer holiday provision.
We are aware that some providers costs have increased significantly this year, this has resulted in them having to review the number of places they can offer. Both HAF, Groups, Activities and Short breaks are open to SEND children and young people; we ask that parents /carers always check with providers that they are suitable for their child’s needs before booking a place.
In addition to the Short Breaks offer, children with SEND may also be eligible for the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme. The HAF Programme is a Department for Educations (DfE) funded programme for children in receipt of benefits related free school meals (FSM).
Activity clubs offer a range of support for children with SEND. Whilst all are inclusive, some more specialised than others and suitability can be discussed directly with providers on sign up.
Some providers have a limited number of places available for non-FSM eligible children who would otherwise be considered vulnerable, however these places must be requested and reviewed by providers and are not guaranteed.
To find out more and sign up, please visit: Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme.
Short break groups and activities in your area
Contact the group directly to find out more about how to book a space.
These breaks and activities are run by outside providers and are not provided by the council. We have made every attempt to ensure all information held here is accurate but would recommend you contact the groups to check the information is correct before travelling. We cannot accept any responsibility for third party services. Their inclusion here is for your information only and does not represent endorsement or recommendation by us.