
Muddy Boots Ground Care (day opportunity)


Muddy Boots Ground Care C.I.C.

Times and dates

All sessions run 9am-3pm

Mondays-Thursdays - Ground care
Wednesdays- Woodwork
Thursdays - Arts & Crafts
Fridays - Multi-skills

Age range

13+ years


Muddy Boots Ground Care CIC provide day opportunities for people with learning disabilities and mental health issues. The Ground Care team carry out commercial and private work to include hedge cutting and bramble clearance, strimming, mowing, use of a sit on mower for larger areas. The woodwork department make items to take home or for sale and they also refurbish old furniture. The Arts & Crafts have some fantastic projects for people to either take home or for sale on their craft stall. Multi-skills is unit based and can involve anything from working in the woods onsite to make a clay oven, having a go at archery, maintenance around the site or even a trip out to source materials or look for project ideas.

Contact details

The Shed, Stourport Road, Crossway Green, Stourport on Severn, DY13 9SE

Telephone: 0757 2075555
