
Mobile Library service: Bringing people together and preventing isolation

Mobile Library service: Bringing people together and preventing isolation

A Mobile Library customer explains how the service has brought unexpected joy and helped her and her husband to develop resilience in the face of health challenges.

In the 12 months to October 2024 just under 17,000 books were issued on the mobile library.

A recent survey of mobile library customers revealed that as a result of their visits to the mobile library:

  • 81% felt more connected with their local community
  • 69% felt more motivated to read
  • 58% felt more positive about their mental health and wellbeing 

A customer of the mobile library service explains how it has helped her and husband to develop resilience in the face of health challenges and brought unexpected joy.

Customer's story

"When we moved to Evesham in 2018, the very first thing my husband and I did was join the local library. Our shared love for reading meant we spent many hours there, surrounded by the comforting scent of old books and the excitement of discovering new ones. My husband had a particular fondness for borrowing maps, while I found joy in the collection of jigsaw puzzles."

"Our routine changed drastically in September 2022 when my husband suffered a stroke. The months that followed were filled with uncertainty and worry as he spent time in the hospital. By February 2023, he was finally well enough to come home, but I found myself hesitant to leave his side for any extended period. The thought of a trip to Evesham, even for the library, felt overwhelming and impossible."

"It was during this challenging time that I discovered the mobile library service. The convenience and warmth of this service quickly became a cherished part of our lives. Instead of leisurely browsing the shelves at Evesham, I adapted to scouring the online system for books that would interest both of us. Reserving these books online became a new kind of adventure, and I was thrilled with the selection."

"In this new chapter of our lives, the mobile library has been more than just a source of books. It's a symbol of resilience, adaptation, and the unexpected joys that can arise even during difficult times!"

For more information visit the mobile library webpage. 

Customer comments

Customers comments on the positive impact of the service:

"The mobile service just WORKS! It connects me with my community and provides me with books."

"I can go weeks without seeing or speaking to anyone so this is essential for my mental health."

"It is a meeting place once a month for members of the community who don't otherwise have contact with neighbours."

"I am a full time carer and the mobile visit is the highlight of my month."

"As I am now no longer able to drive due to poor eye sight, the mobile library service enables me to continue to read regularly."

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