
SEND Direct Travel Payments

SEND Direct Travel Payments

A Direct Travel Payment (DTP) is a payment that is made to a parent/carer to enable them to arrange their own child鈥檚 home to school travel arrangements.

Direct Travel Payments have been introduced as we understand that other forms of travel assistance that 全国探花 County Council currently offers to students is not always suitable for what a family needs and we want more options to be available.


A DTP is available to families of children who are eligible for travel assistance from the council. This includes:

  • children with special educational needs (SEN) who have been assessed as eligible to receive home to school travel assistance
  • children who attend their nearest named school and live over the statutory distance from the school
  • a child who is a boarder

If you have more than one child going to the same school then you will receive 25% extra funding for the second child. If you have more than one child going to different schools then each case will need to be looked at on an individual basis.


All DTPs are calculated using banding:

  • we use a mapping system that calculates the shortest walking distance from your house to the pupil鈥檚 place of education
  • you will be offered a yearly amount which then gives a daily amount
  • the daily amount is used to calculate your monthly payment
  • the academic year is normally 190 days per year but where your child may only travel, for example 12 times per year, the amount will be calculated accordingly
  • each DTP would be tailored to the specific need of each family
  • payments are made upfront monthly into your bank account once the DTP has been set up

When your application has been assessed you will be informed of the decision in writing or by email. You will also be informed as to when your child鈥檚 current transport arrangements will cease and when you will receive your first Direct Travel Payment.

Terms and conditions

Attendance needs to stay at 80% or above:

  • however, we do not ask for receipts
  • any days that your child is absent over and above that will be deducted from the following months' DTP payment
  • the attendance will be checked with the educational establishment

Your DTP will be reviewed on a regular basis:

  • if you do not advise us of a change in circumstances or details then your DTP could be withdrawn
  • during the review your child鈥檚 level of attendance will be looked at to ensure that the level of attendance is satisfactory for you to continue receiving DTP
  • after each review you will be contacted to inform you whether DTP will be continued or withdrawn

Further information

Please contact the team:

If you decide to go with a DTP it might be worth contacting your child鈥檚 school, or our team and they might be able to put you in touch with other parents who have made the same decision for you to discuss with them any ideas of car sharing, taxi sharing or assisting the children getting to school on public transport.

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