Check over 16 SEND travel eligibility
See how you qualify for over 16 SEND transport assistance.
Check SEND Eligibility
Over 16's
Please note that applications for the new academic year need to be received by 31 of July, to guarantee transport for the start of term in September. We will accept late applications and will endeavour to arrange transport before the start of term.
Please submit an application, even if you have not had your place confirmed at this time, as this can always be amended or cancelled if your situation changes.
We can provide travel assistance to full-time students continuing into further education. All over 16 students will be required to make a contribution towards transport.
You will qualify for over 16 travel assistance if
Need basis:
- you live in È«¹ú̽»¨
- you currently get some form of Under 16 travel assistance, based on need
- the appropriate contribution has been paid
Distance basis:
- you live in È«¹ú̽»¨
- you are attending the establishment that is nearest to your home address and that has a course level that can meet the student’s needs, not the course subject itself
- you live more than 3 miles from the school or college
- the appropriate contribution has been paid
Concessionary Bus Pass:
- you live in È«¹ú̽»¨
- you are attending an establishment in È«¹ú̽»¨
- you have an EHCP
- you will be eligible for a free bus pass to use on local bus services – please apply via: Apply for or manage your bus pass
- once you have your Concessionary Bus Pass, which is only valid after 9.30am, you can apply for a Top Up Pass from us which will enable travel before 9.30am
You may also qualify for over 16 travel assistance if
Unsafe route
- you live in È«¹ú̽»¨.
- you are attending the establishment that is nearest to your home address and that has a course level that can meet the student’s needs, not the course subject itself.
- you live under the 3 mile statutory walking distance from school or college, but the route is assessed as unavailable for walking, by È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council's Road Safety Officer.
- the appropriate contribution has been paid
Paying for over 16 travel assistance
- all over 16 students will be required to pay a contribution towards travel assistance for the first 2 years:
- you will be sent a payment letter once transport is allocated.
- payment can be made annually, termly, half termly or by Direct Debit at the start of the Autumn and Spring terms.
- for those that receive a Direct Travel Payment, you will be contacted regarding having the Post 16 contribution payment deducted on a monthly basis.
- financial support with the cost of remaining in education may be available through a Student Bursary, through your Sixth Form or College; please contact them directly to see what help may be available
Types of travel assistance available
You will be considered for the following types of transport, which will be allocated by the Education Travel Team:
Direct Travel Payment
Concessionary Bus Pass, with Top Up
Contract Vehicles (School Buses or Taxi)
Vacant Seat Scheme (non-entitled students)