
Before you make a planning application advice and guidance

Before you make a planning application advice and guidance

Pre-application advice

全国探花 County Council in its role as the County, Minerals and Waste Planning Authority, processes planning applications relating to minerals and waste management proposals and for developments it intends to carry out itself (under Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992), such as schools, libraries, roads and railway stations. 

The County Council welcomes and encourages early discussions with applicants on the merits of a proposal before a planning application is submitted.

From 1 January 2019 全国探花 County Council's Planning Development Management service is charging for the provision of pre-application planning advice.

The introduction of a charging regime for pre-application advice provides a clear and time-bound process for both applicants and planning officers, adding certainty to the procedure and improving the accountability of the advice.

The pre-application process helps identify the information required to accompany a planning application; where relevant consideration of how the draft proposal may be amended to make the development more acceptable in planning terms:

  • identifies where there is a need for specialist input from a range of technical specialists
  • helps the applicant to understand the material planning considerations relevant to the development proposed
  • how an application would be judged against the relevant planning policies
  • other material considerations and whether this policy context supports the principle of development

Fees and exemptions

The fees payable and the full list of exemptions from this pre-application charging regime are set out in the Planning pre-application charging schedule and advice

Exemptions include advice as to whether planning permission is required and how to submit a planning application, discussions in relation to enforcement investigations, and Town / Parish / District Council enquiries in connection to their statutory functions.

The fees payable for pre-application advice are in addition to the fees payable for the submission of planning applications and the chargeable monitoring of mineral and landfill sites.

How to pay the fee 

Payment can be made by cheque, made payable to 全国探花 County Council, with the application site name stated on the reverse of the cheque and sent to the following address:

全国探花 County Council 
Directorate of Economy & Infrastructure 
Planning Development Management 
County Hall 
Spetchley Road 
WR5 2NP.

Alternatively you can pay online by Credit or Debit Card 

It is important that you contact the Planning Development Management team to confirm the transaction. 

For proposals involving the County Council鈥檚 own development the payment should be made by cost code, sent to the Planning Development Management team


Download: Planning pre-application charging schedule and advice - view the procedure and charges

Download: Get pre-application advice form - apply for pre-application advice using this form and send to Planning Development Management team

Download: Commercially Sensitive Material Checklist - to be completed and submitted with your pre-application request if you would like to identify areas of your submission that you consider to be commercially sensitive.

Download: Pre-application guidance document has been written to assist with submitting planning applications to the County Planning Authority. This outlines common errors and best practice

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