
Planning Validation Document

Planning Validation Document

What is the Validation Document?

The Validation Document sets out the information and documents required to accompany planning applications submitted to È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council, as the County Planning Authority for minerals, waste management and the County Council’s own development.  

This gives greater certainty on what information is required for applications of a particular type, scale or location, helping to make things simpler for those looking to apply for planning permission, but also allows the County Council to accept, validate and determine applications more efficiently, reducing delays that may otherwise occur in the processing of planning applications.

Should you be seeking to find out what information is required to accompany planning applications for all other types of developments such as residential (e.g. housing estates), householder (e.g. extensions), retail (e.g. shops) or commercial (e.g. offices) then please contact your District Council

The Validation Document

The latest version of Validation Document, was published in June 2024 The Validation Document has been recently reviewed following the adoption of the È«¹ú̽»¨ Minerals Local Plan as well as the publication of the revised , and and . The revisions to the document were consulted on between 10 July and 5 September 2023 and again between 29 January and 11 March 2024. A total of 30 comments were received, which have been considered in detail by the County Council. 

The Validation Document (June 2024 version) consists of: 

Response document

The Validation Document's Response document (Consultation between 10 July and 5 September 2023) and Response Document (Consultation between 29 January and 11 March 2024) summarise all the comments received on the above public consultations and outline the County Council's response to them.

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