
Orange Button Community Scheme

Orange Button Community Scheme

If you’re an adult and you’ve undertaken a certain level of mental health and suicide prevention training, you can now wear an ‘Orange Button’ to make your training and skills more visible to others.

The Orange Button Community Scheme is freely available across Herefordshire and È«¹ú̽»¨.

People who are having thoughts of suicide or who are worried about a friend or family member can ask Orange Button wearers in their community for information and support.

Watch this video and learn why Kat wears her orange button with pride.

Watch this video to find out why Euan joined the scheme.

About the Scheme

The scheme has three aims:

  • create a community of people trained in suicide awareness who have gained skills from quality assured training
  • create a network of organisations with Orange Button wearers who can listen to someone and signpost them to support
  • ensure all communities are aware of the Orange Button, what it signifies and how people can be involved, by promoting from within the community

What does it involve? 

Orange Button wearers have the confidence to talk about suicide. 

Wearing an Orange Button is a way of showing others in your community who are having thoughts of suicide, or are worried about somebody else, that you:

  • are comfortable to say / hear the word suicide
  • can listen without judgement
  • can inform people where to find help and support

Orange Button wearers do not provide:

  • counselling or therapy
  • long term support
  • a replacement or alternative to local NHS services

How can I get my Orange Button? 

You can click on the Sign up form below to apply for our Orange Button pack, as long as you have completed around 3 hours of quality assured suicide prevention content in the past 2 years. 

If you don’t currently have any suicide prevention training, please email SuicidePreventionProgramme@worcestershire.gov.uk and we will notify you when our fully funded training becomes available

Recognised training includes:

  • WCC Suicide Prevention Funded Training: Online and face to face
    • Online:
    • Face to face:
    • (Please note: ASIST and other listed courses are also available from other training providers, e.g. Papyrus and Grassroots)

If you experience any issues accessing the form, please contact SuicidePreventionProgramme@worcestershire.gov.uk,  thank you.

Misplaced your orange button? 

Email us for a new one 


Orange Button wearers can use the information below to stay up to date with their signposting.  

This is useful for anyone though - you don’t have to wear an orange button to talk to someone about suicide or direct somebody to help.  

Here is a reminder of support available:

Herefordshire & È«¹ú̽»¨ 24/7 NHS Urgent Mental Health Helpline (all ages)

Offers advice, support and assessment for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis. Mental health advisors will be able to listen to your concerns and make appropriate plans with you. They will transfer your call to a trained mental health clinician if needed.  
Tel: 0808 196 9127

Herefordshire Mind’s Safe Haven (5pm to 10pm, last admission 9pm) A welcoming evening space that provides empathy, support, and safety to anyone 18+ experiencing high emotional distress and/or suicidal thoughts.  Location: Heffernan House, 130-132 Widemarsh Street, HR4 9HN Tel: 01432 372407

È«¹ú̽»¨ Safe Haven (South Warwickshire and È«¹ú̽»¨ Mind) (6pm to1am, last calls 12.20am) A listening ear, support, and signposting for anyone 18+ experiencing a mental health crisis.  

  • Same night face to face appointments in Redditch Town Centre available to callers who meet the criteria. Tel: 01905 600 400
  • Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email jo@samaritans.org for a reply within 24 hours.
  • Text SHOUT to 85258 free on all major networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere.

Click on the following link or the image below to access a digital copy of your Orange Button support card:

Image of Orange Button holder support card click to open digital copy of support card

Visit Now Were Talking Together to Prevent Suicide | Healthy Minds for tools and resources to help yourself or someone else in crisis.

More help available in È«¹ú̽»¨, Mental health and emotional wellbeing

Tell us about your experience with an Orange Button wearer

Want to tell us about your experience with an Orange Button wearer? 

Contact Suicide Prevention Programme

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