
I've lost someone to suicide

I've lost someone to suicide

Support for those who have been bereaved or affected by suicide.

Suicide affects all of us. If you have been bereaved by suicide, you can access support and signposting options here. People who have been bereaved by suicide have used their experiences to lead the revision of a support guide to help others affected by someone taking their own life. Help is at Hand guide provides people affected by suicide with both emotional and practical support: 

È«¹ú̽»¨â€™s Suicide Bereavement Support Service

The Bereaved by Suicide Service offers support to anyone who has been bereaved or affected by suicide, including emergency workers, colleagues and witnesses. It supports adults as well as children from the age of 4 upwards. Regardless of when the suicide took place, we can help to support you. The service is free, confidential and tailored to your needs.

Please click on the documents below for further information and to access the referral forms:

Bereaved by Suicide (PDF)

È«¹ú̽»¨ Referral Form (adult) (Word doc)

È«¹ú̽»¨ Referral Form (children and young people) (Word doc)


Contact: Gill Stanton, Suicide Liaison Worker

Email: worcs.bbs@victimsupport.org.uk

Telephone: 01905 947933

St Richard’s Hospice

St Richard’s Bereavement service offers confidential support for anyone (adults or children) who have experienced the death of a close relative or friend through suicide.

Geography covered: anyone registered with a South È«¹ú̽»¨ GP including Droitwich, Evesham, Malvern and Worcester City.
Referrals: Referrals into the service can be made by the bereaved individual(s), their GP, other health professionals and additionally (in the case of individuals under the age of 18) by a parent or guardian or adult family member.
St Richard’s also hosts 2 suicide bereavement groups: RAFFT (Relatives and Friends through Trauma) and The Inside Out Group (for children bereaved by suicide). Please contact St Richard’s to find out more.


Telephone: 01905 763963

North È«¹ú̽»¨ Bereavement Support

NW Bereavement Support have counsellors who are there to listen to your thoughts and feelings about your loss through suicide.  They will not judge you or try to tell you what to do.  This service is for adults (18+)

Geography covered: Wyre Forest
Referrals: NW Bereavement Support encourage that people contact them directly, however they do also accept referrals from professionals such as social prescribers.
Telephone: 07305 238223


Footsteps is a registered charity providing free bespoke support for bereaved children, young people (aged 5 to 21) and their families in È«¹ú̽»¨ following the death of a parent, sibling or other significant person in their life. They guide and support bereaved children and young people and help them manage their grief.

Geography covered: South È«¹ú̽»¨, including Tenbury, Evesham, Droitwich and Malvern. Often travel to schools and colleges to provide support on site.
Referrals: Receive referrals through schools, headteachers, È«¹ú̽»¨ Children’s First, GPs.  Also take referrals direct from family members and young people themselves.
Tel: 0845 4676065

Primrose Hospice

At Primrose Hospice we support patients with life-limiting illnesses and families, providing them with the care and support they need during difficult times.

When a referral is made to Primrose Hospice and Family Support Centre we talk to the individual to guide them to the most beneficial support services for them. Our teams work together to offer a holistic approach to someone’s care; this can range from Clinical and Wellbeing Services to Family Support Services including: counselling, support groups and much more. 

Our Clinical and Wellbeing services support adults over 18 living with life-limiting illnesses such as; palliative heart failure, lung conditions, cancer, neurological conditions and more. Our team also support families and carers of patients. 

Our Family Support Team support adults and children aged 5 who have experienced a bereavement or who have a family member living with a life limiting illness. This support can range from 121 counselling & group support to Complementary Therapy. 

Contact us below for more information or to make a referral to any of our support services. 

Geography covered: Redditch and Bromsgrove (the catchment area is determined via GP surgeries).
Referrals: People can refer themselves directly. They also accept GP referrals via the website .
Telephone: 01527 889799 (ask to speak to the Family Support Team Leader)

KEMP Hospice

Provide free support to anyone living in the Wyre Forest who is facing or has experienced a suicide bereavement or loss in the last 5 years. Their services are available to children from the age of 5, young people and adults. They can see you at the hospice, in school and in some cases can come to your home. 

Geography covered: Wyre Forest
Referrals: Anyone who lives within / is registered with a GP in the Wyre Forest and who has experienced a bereavement within the past 5 years can make a referral to the bereavement service.
Telephone: 01562 756000 (main) / 01562 756060 (bereavement helpline)

Bromsgrove Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SoBS) Group

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide is a national peer support organisation to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide. 

SoBS also supports members of the LGBTQ+ community that have been bereaved by suicide through its new group 'SpeakOUT'.

The Bromsgrove Group was started by sisters Karen and Sarah in July 2007. There are 2 Bromsgrove meetings that come together monthly – one face to face and one virtual.

Geography covered: Bromsgrove
Referrals: Adults should contact Karen directly to request to join the group
Email: bromsgrove@uksobs.org
Telephone:  (ask for Karen)


Touchstones is a small, local charity with a simple aim – to be there for any bereaved child and young person (aged 5 to early 20s) in North East È«¹ú̽»¨. This includes bereavement by suicide.  Additionally, Touchstones advises families and schools on how to support children and young people through bereavement, including pre-school children who are best supported by their own family.

Geography covered: North East È«¹ú̽»¨ – including Redditch, Bromsgrove, Wythall, Rubery, Hagley. 
Referrals: Anyone (young person, professionals or families) can refer to this service,
Telephone: 07547 367267 (ask for Vicki Quarton)
Email: info@touchstones-support.org.uk

È«¹ú̽»¨ Cruse

Cruse offer a range of national bereavement services:

È«¹ú̽»¨ Cruse also provide emotional support for children, young people and adults bereaved by suicide and will signpost on where appropriate.

Geography covered: È«¹ú̽»¨
Referrals: È«¹ú̽»¨ Cruse accept self-referrals only.
Telephone: 01905 22223 (callers will need to leave a message and request a call back)
Email: worcestershire@cruse.org.uk

Sandycroft Centre

Situated in Smallwood in Redditch, the Sandycroft Centre offer a wide range of services to support the Redditch community including therapeutic counselling and support to adults and children bereaved by suicide. 

Geography covered: Redditch and Bromsgrove
Referrals: They accept direct referrals as well as professional referrals through GPs, social services and mental health teams. 
Telephone: 01527 595135

Additional bereavement support services across È«¹ú̽»¨

See bereavement support

Other bereaved by suicide support groups

The Community Services Directory is a platform for all residents in È«¹ú̽»¨ to find helpful information about registered health and wellbeing groups, services, and activities locally and across the county. See Community Services Directory

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