
Workplace health

Workplace health

Workplace health programme for È«¹ú̽»¨.

Work Well Live Better

È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council Public Health are proud to introduce the new workplace health programme for È«¹ú̽»¨, ‘Work Well Live Better’ bought to you by Optima UK.

The key focus of the programme is to support workplaces across È«¹ú̽»¨ to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees by taking a preventative approach.

Find out more about the new programme and how to join the Work Well Live Better Network by watching this video.  

By being part of the Workplace Wellbeing Network businesses will gain access to valuable resources, including training, events, and peer support. This will enable businesses to take meaningful steps towards improving employee health and wellbeing, whilst showcasing their commitment.

Helpful resources

The resources available will help businesses:

  • support their employees by putting tangible actions in place and encouraging positive steps towards improving health and wellbeing, which will improve retention and attendance rates
  • effectively, empathetically, and fairly support those who may be returning to work after a period of absence with the latest advice and guidance on how to navigate this transition
  • highlight businesses reputation as an employer who looks after their people, increasing their desire to apply, work and stay with the business

Benefits of getting involved

The benefits of being part of the network are:

  • access to high impact and accredited resources for businesses to utilise straight away
  • invites to our exclusive events calendar, which will be full of relevant topics, have exclusive speakers which are experts in their fields, and the opportunity to network with local businesses
  • access to complete a workplace health needs assessment to identify the business needs and what support and resources are available to meet these needs
  • the opportunity to become an ambassador to the programme, showcasing positive work and to provide peer support for other businesses
  • the opportunity to receive tailored, targeted support to further improve the health and wellbeing of employees where the highest needs are identified

Next Steps

Visit the website have a look around the website.

If you, your team, or anyone you know could benefit from further information, or to join the network, please contact us directly via this email: workwelllivebetter@optima-uk.com and we will forward additional instructions on how to become a member. 

At Work Well, Live Better, the health of your employees and your business is at the heart of everything we do. 

Work Well Live Better Logo

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