How to get or install a defibrillator in a place or for your organisation.
London Hearts - defibrillator funding
London Hearts is a charity dedicated to the procurement and distribution of life-saving defibrillators across the UK, offers an opportunity for communities to have access to a fully functional defibrillator at all times.
On behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care, they are offering a £500,000 Community Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Fund, aimed at increasing the availability of defibrillators in public places where they are most needed. The fund will provide 1,100 new defibrillators and cabinets. To participate, match funding of £750 is required for a defibrillator with an external locked cabinet, or £660 for a defibrillator with an internal cabinet.
The fund is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so early application is encouraged.
For public access defibrillators, applications can be made at:
For internal defibrillators, applications can be made via:
The British Heart Foundation - free defibrillators for your community
The British Heart Foundation has information about part funding awards for public access defibrillators and training kits. Subject to eligibility, funding is available for non-commercial organisations who will provide unrestricted access to the PAD to members of the public.
Apply here:
To purchase a defibrillator, see:
The Premier League Defibrillator Fund
The is supported by the Football Foundation, the FA and Sport England. It aims to support the installation of AEDs and external storage cabinets at thousands of grassroots football facilities who do not currently have an easily accessible device on site.
Find more information here:
National Lottery Awards for All England Communities È«¹ú̽»¨ Activities Funding
The has also awarded grants for AEDs' to voluntary and community organisations. The application process will take 16 weeks if you are successful.
È«¹ú̽»¨ Public Health Defibrillator Grant Funding
A limited amount of Public Health funding is available to support organisations to obtain a defibrillator. This is subject to certain criteria based on current distribution of defibrillators in areas of highest need.
Normally, we will only fund defibrillators where funding has been sought elsewhere first and not been successful, and if your defibrillator will be publicly accessible.
Please complete an enquiry form to start a conversation.
Droitwich AED provision and maintenance in Droitwich (and È«¹ú̽»¨)
Droitwich AED provide and maintain CPADs free of charge in Droitwich, and at cost throughout È«¹ú̽»¨. Get in touch for further information: