
Prevention and detection of fraud

Prevention and detection of fraud

Tackling fraud is an important part of ensuring that tax-payers money is used to protect resources for front line services.

Financial services information

The cost of fraud to the public sector is estimated at £10’s of billions a year. This is money that can be better used to support the delivery of front-line services and make savings for local taxpayers.

Under the Financial Regulations, a Chief Officer or any other member of staff has a responsibility to immediately inform the Chief Internal Auditor of any loss, financial irregularity or suspected irregularity. 

Financial Services team information

The Council has a ‘Whistleblowers’ Code which enables staff to raise concerns in a confidential manner in the knowledge that it will be protected from any recriminations or victimisation. The Council also has an Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Strategy and Whistleblower Policy for Fostering.

A culture of transparency strengthens counter-fraud controls. The Strategy makes it clear that fraud can thrive where decisions are not open to scrutiny and details of spending, contracts and service provision are hidden from view. Greater transparency and the provisions in this Strategy, can help combat fraud. 

Any allegation of fraud or financial irregularity that is brought to the attention of internal audit will be thoroughly investigated by appropriate audit staff. If it is considered appropriate, any findings will be passed to the Police for further action. A report on audit’s investigations will be provided to the Senior Management Team and audit will assist in any disciplinary action as appropriate.

As part of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, we are required to publish the following information regarding counter fraud work.  

Key points

For the period 1 April 2014 onwards we have not used powers under the prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information)(England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers.

During 2025 to 2026 a total of 3 potential fraud or irregularity cases have been investigated with appropriate and proportionate action taken. Where necessary a report is made to Action Fraud, UK’s National Fraud and Internet Crime reporting centre. 

The total number (absolute and full time equivalent) of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud can be one of 7 employees depending on the requirements imposed by the investigation. Professionally accredited counter fraud specialists would be engaged depending on circumstances.

The total amount spent by Internal Audit during 2025 to 2026 on the investigation and prosecution of fraud is circa £11520. 

We actively participate in the National Fraud Initiative. Participation in this initiative is a requirement, so the amount spent by the Council including that of individual officers and managers is not actively captured.

Contact details

Suspected frauds can be reported to our dedicated fraud hotline:

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