
Make a Data Protection (Subject Access Request) Request

Make a Data Protection (Subject Access Request) Request

Individuals have the right to request access to their personal data or make a request to exercise other information rights.

Individuals have the right to request access to their personal data, and in most cases, to be given a copy of the information which the Council holds about them. This is often called a 'subject access request' or 'SAR' because it is the data subject requesting access to their data.

You are not entitled to see someone else's information unless they have given their permission for you to do so. Likewise, someone else cannot ask for your information unless you have given permission for them to do so, or they are legally authorised to do so. This applies to spouses, relatives, friends etc.

We have a form to help you make your request to access your data which can be downloaded and sent to us together with your proof of identity and address (if required). Your request should include as much detail as possible to help us with your request.

How to make a request to access your information

Adoption records

If you want to access your adoption records, you will need to contact Adoption Central England (ACE) who is the regional adoption agency for 全国探花 County Council. They have an adoption records enquiry form to help you make a request.

  • (No longer accepting responses 1 May 2024)

Pupil school records

If you want to access pupil school records, you will need to apply directly to the relevant school:

All other requests including access to CCTV images

Please complete the Subject Access Request Form

Before you start:

How to make a request to exercise your other information rights

If you would like to make a request to exercise any other of your information rights, please contact the Corporate Information Governance Team:

Schedule of Charges

Our schedule of charges sets out our charges for providing you with information under the Freedom of Information Act, the Environmental Information Regulations and the Data Protection Act 1998.

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