
Protect - Protection of Premises (Terrorism) Bill

Protect - Protection of Premises (Terrorism) Bill

Information for organisations which fall under the proposed Protection of Premises (Terrorism) Bill and information for staff and the public on how to make their locations and people safer.

Please note the legislation is currently in draft form and may be subject to change.

What is the Protect Bill?

Following the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017, the UK Government is introducing This legislation requires organisations and publicly accessible locations to bring in security measures in order to reduce the risk of a terrorist attack.

The proposed Protection of Premises Bill applies to certain activities and events with a size capacity. However, the advice and guidance can also be used by all, to protect staff and the public from any major incident, not just terrorism. Serious violence or domestic abuse are two such examples.

Terrorism is the use of violence, intimidation or cyber-attack to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals. It often targets civilians and attempts to spark fear amongst the general population.

Click the following link to see the current terrorism threat level in the UK:

Martyns Law

is another name for the Protection of Premises Bill (currently in draft form).

Figen Murray OBE, is the mother of Martyn Hett, one of 22 people tragically killed in the terrorist attack at Manchester Arena in May 2017. The video below has more information about the law.

Video file

Check if your organisation fits into the proposed Protect Duty

What locations are thought to be included?

The duty divides locations according to capacity of a venue, for example:

  • standard tier applies to a capacity of 200 to 799 people
  • enhanced tier applies to a capacity of 800 plus people

Activities that are thought to fall within the duty include:

  • shops
  • food and drink establishments
  • nightclubs
  • social clubs
  • entertainment activities
  • sports grounds
  • recreation activities and leisure
  • libraries museums or galleries
  • exhibition halls conference centres and venue hire
  • visitor attractions
  • hotels, hostels, boarding houses and guest houses
  • holiday parks
  • places of worship
  • healthcare establishments
  • bus and train stations
  • aerodromes
  • education

Apply for a trauma kit for your premises

To support the protect duty and wider public safety a limited amount of funding is available for organisations in È«¹ú̽»¨ to purchase trauma kits. These are designed for anyone without any training to use – to stabilise casualties until professional help arrives.

A trauma kit is designed for public use and is equipped with trauma dressings, chest seals, and tourniquets to help control bleeding for casualties before the paramedics arrive. Whilst first aid training is helpful, anyone can use them in an emergency, and could potentially save a life.

Please apply using the attached form. For further information on trauma kits and Martyn's law, please visit the . When identifying a trauma kit that you would like to purchase, please note that the maximum we can award per trauma kit application is £100 and should soley consist of a trauma kit and no other further equipment such as a cabinet or an additional first aid. 

Applications for funding are open now and will be kept under review according to demand. We would ask for applications to be submitted by the 2 June 2025 at the latest.

For more information on trauma kits, please visit the following link:

Please note: if you experience issues accessing the Microsoft form below, please email: hwbadmin@worcestershire.gov.uk 

Tools and resources

Here you will find useful information for organisations to make their staff, locations and events safer.


The site provides businesses and the public with counter terrorism support and guidance to effectively protect and prepare in line with the proposed Protection of Premises Bill. 

As well as providing information on the duty, the below are useful apps and tools which provide advice on major incidents. 

ACT in a BOX

The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) has launched ACT in a BOX: an interactive product that enables businesses to rehearse and explore their response to terrorist incidents.

Citizen Aid

Though a terrorist incident is rare, it is important to be prepared should one ever occur. 

is a charity that aims to help people be prepared, not scared. The free app and resources provide information on how to respond to a variety of incidents and events, including how to treat those around you. 

Security-Minded Communications Guidance (NPSA)

This guidance is for security-minded communications which are designed to disrupt hostiles and make them believe that by choosing your organisation or event as a place to attack, they would almost certainly fail.

Prevent Duty Training

This training informs you about the Prevent duty, the different forms of extremism and terrorism, risks around radicalisation, how to make a Prevent referral that is informed and made with good intention and the various interventions and support that are available.

Lockdown template

The lockdown template is created for organisations to follow in the event of an attack. Lockdown is necessary when children and staff need to be locked within buildings for their own safety i.e. in an emergency situation such as a hostile intruder, terrorist attack or other criminal activity.

A lockdown template should pinpoint potential threats and vulnerabilities affecting the business. While lockdowns can enhance safety during a terrorist attack, it's crucial to address risks posed by the lockdown itself. 

As such, adjustments must be made to minimize these risks. These assessments should clearly outline the organisational and individual duty of care towards staff and others. 

See an example here: Department for Education's Lockdown Template (Word doc)

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