
Personal care and support with daily tasks

Personal care and support with daily tasks

If you are starting to struggle with everyday tasks, you may need support to help you remain independent at home.

To stay in their home and independent people may need a little support. This could be for a range of tasks such as:

•    personal care and hygiene

•    medication and prescriptions

•    meals and shopping

•    housework and garden

•    travel and patient transport

•    Local lunch clubs and social groups

Others may need a bit of extra support, especially if they have recently come out of hospital or if they have additional requirements and need equipment, technology or adjusts to their home

Help with personal care

Getting dressed

You can use , including:

  • dressing sticks
  • sock and stocking aids
  • button hooks 

Personal care and hygiene 

If you need assistance with personal care, the Living Made Easy website has information about using equipment and adaptations for .

Types of personal care include:

  • bathing and showering
  • managing medication
  • small personal care aids
  • toileting

If you care for someone, the NHS website has advice on how to .

Help with medication and prescriptions

Your named pharmacist keeps records about your medication so they can help answer any questions you have.

Your GP (family doctor) will also be able to help with questions about medication. 
To find your local pharmacy visit the page.

There are specific aids to help you take the right medication at the right time, such as weekly pill organiser trays and reminder alarms. There are available from many mobility aid retailers, pharmacies and online retailers. Visit

Help with prescription delivery or collection

Services and volunteers are listed in our

Help with housework

If you are struggling to keep up with jobs that need doing around the home, you may be able to get help from some voluntary organisations for smaller jobs. 

Search organisations in our that can help you around the home.

Help with the garden

The website has a postcode search to find local registered gardeners.
Search organisations in our for help with the garden

Help with the cost of gardening

The provides grants to people in the UK to enable them to continue gardening despite age, illness or disability. Grants can help with adaptations, the cost of tools and raised beds as well as offer advice and information on different aids and techniques. 

Instructions and information about how to apply for grants can be found on .

Help with meals and shopping

Eating well advice

Information and guidance about eating a healthy balanced diet.

Help with food shopping

Services and volunteers that can help you with shopping in È«¹ú̽»¨ are listed in our .

Prepared meals providers

Search the  to find ready-prepared meals providers. 

Local lunch clubs and social groups

There are many lunch clubs and social groups in È«¹ú̽»¨ where you can:

  • have a meal
  • socialise with friends
  • enjoy activities such as talks, games and quizzes 

You can also find out what is going on at your local library as they are going to be acting as warm hubs this winter.

Find other local activities and support in your area  


Travel and patient transport

You can find out about:

  • getting out and about if you have mobility problems
  • patient transport to appointments
  • transport services to get you to a lunch club or the shops

Community Transport Schemes are set up across È«¹ú̽»¨ support people who do not have access to conventional transport or are unable to use it, please visit Travel and community transport.

Short-term support

offers support to people to help improve their health, wellbeing and independence by making connections with community support. This service is by GP referral only, if you are interested, please speak to your GP who can make a referral.

Digital support

Digital Champions

If you need help to improve your skills and confidence online our library digital champions are here to help!

Whether it's setting up an email address, connecting with family and friends online using Zoom, shopping online or getting to grips with social media - we can help you stay connected with others online.

Support by telephone

Call 01905 822722 between 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday) and request a call back from a Digital Champion volunteer.

Support in person

Digital Champions can help you complete specific tasks such as applying for a blue badge or setting up an email account or they can help you improve your general confidence with using a computer and navigating the internet.

If you'd like to book a 1:1 session with a digital champion at a library near you call the customer contact centre on 01905 822722 between 9am - 6pm (Monday - Friday) 

Can’t find the help you are looking for? 

Contact us

If you feel you have care and support needs, please take a look at our assessment and eligibility page.

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