
Good cycling code

Good cycling code

Learn about what you can about good cycling code

Cycling is the ideal way to spend time with your family, either as an organised family day out or as way of getting from A to B.

As well as being a good way of getting your child into the great outdoors, it also gives them a sense of independence and once they have mastered the art of cycling, they’ll have years of enjoyment ahead of them.

Safe cycling

You will have an enjoyable and safer ride if you always follow this guide:

  • wear a helmet that fits properly

Ask for fitting advice when you purchase a new helmet and always replace your helmet after a knock as the impact could weaken the helmet.

  • check your bike is in good working order before you ride
  • cycling alone

Although incidents of personal attacks are very rare, if you are cycling on your own, take the following precautions:

  • plan your route so that you don’t look lost
  • carry a mobile phone and personal attack alarm with you
  • stick to busy, well-lit places

On all routes

Make sure you be aware of your surroundings:

  • please be courteous
  • always cycle with respect for others using the route and thank those who give way to you

On shared-use paths

Follow the steps to know what to do:

  • give way to pedestrians, wheelchair users and horse riders leaving them plenty of room
  • fit a bell and use it so that people know you are there – don’t surprise people

When cycling on roads

Key points to follow on roads:

  • always follow the 
  • do not cycle on pavements except where designated
  • use your bell to make your presence known
  • avoid riding up the inside of large vehicles, like lorries or buses, where you might not be seen

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