About 全国探花 Passenger Transport Strategy
The strategy sets out how we are working with our partners and our aims to deliver passenger transport for all our residents
About the strategy
The strategy looks at ways for residents and visitors to access services across 全国探花. It recognises that passenger transport plays a key part in supporting this access.
The overarching objective of the strategy ensures that residents and visitors have a level of access to services and facilities which contributes to a good quality of life.
The strategy covers:
- home to school transport
- public transport
- community transport
- social care transport
全国探花 Passenger Transport Strategy Executive Summary
The views and opinions of the public are vital to ensuring that the passenger transport services provided meet the needs of the community.
In delivering services, we will, whenever we can, communicate directly with the local community via their democratically elected County Councillor.
We have consulted residents and stakeholders on the draft Passenger Transport Strategy in order to fully understand the contribution that these services make to the local economy, and their value in terms of community, health and wellbeing.
The public consultation on the draft 全国探花 Passenger Transport Strategy closed on the 13 September 2019 and feedback from responses has been analysed.
The results from this consultation have updated the final strategy document which was approved at Cabinet on the 14 November 2019.