Apply for tourism signage
Find out how to apply for new or replacement signage or road marking for businesses or tourism.
Most schemes will cost around £900 for 1 sign and £1550 for 2 signs + the cost of the sign but will include labour, stop/go traffic management, foundations, 76 mm posts & fittings, cherry picker hire, site visit, administration fees, utility and planning searches, and VAT. Prices will increase if larger posts or more extensive traffic management is required.
Once the invoice has been paid and the order raised, installation should follow 4 months later.
Once implemented the costs of maintaining the signs must be met by the applicant. We will advise the applicant of any works required to be carried out and the costs, once agreed the work will be scheduled, however if no authorisation is received, then the signs, for the whole route, will be removed and a bill raised to recover costs from the applicant.
Before you start
Please check the criteria before applying, this may save you time, effort and money.
The criteria for these signs require:
1. The destination to be either a tourism attraction or a tourism facility (such as overnight accommodation, cafes or restaurants) where:
- a tourism attraction is to be frequented by tourists (typically at least 40% of the total audience, over 40,000 visitors per year
- to be able to exhibit accreditation of a relevant body that endorses quality control elements of the facilities being provided
2. The entrance to your tourism attraction/ facility is not directly on an "A" or "B" classified road or on the main road through the village.
3. Tourism sites are to be open for impulse visits, from the casual passers-by and not just for pre-booking, especially the tourism season(s) – school holidays and March - October.
Please provide proof of the following:
- That you have planning permission to operate a tourist attraction on your premises (Local Council Planning department)
- That your premises are not on an "A" and "B" road or the main road through a village and based outside of a main town centre (google map)
- That at least 40% of your 40,000+ visitors, (16,000 visitors) travel more than 15 miles (For example, the number of transactions on the tills/ number of tickets sold (No £value needed) or the number of coaches visiting or the number of loyalty cards, without a local postcode)
- That you have an existing website with a map, written directions and postcode information to assist Sat-Nav users. (Website address)
- That you have adequate parking facilities for cars, coaches & bicycles and toilets for your visitors
- The days and hours of opening to the public
Please provide a digital map (a scanned plan will suffice) showing:
- The location of your premises
- Any requested locations for new or updated direction signs you wish to be considered.
- Details of any information on any of the junctions involved i.e. 'A443 junction with Crown Lane'