S278 road space or S184 road space application
How to apply for a Section 278 road space permit or Section 184 road space permit.
Pre-application steps
If you would like to apply for a Section 278 road space permit or Section 184 road space permit, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Please prepare the below prerequisites before applying:
- in receipt of a signed S278 legal agreement or S184 licence
- Planning Consent Reference
- Public Liability Insurance for £5m minimum
- Contractor Accreditation (‘Constructionline’ is preferred)
- NRSWA qualifications for site supervisor and operatives
- any approved ‘General Arrangement’ drawings<
- Programme of Works
- Risk Assessments / Method Statements
- any reference numbers from any accompanying Traffic Management applications
Step 2: Apply (if your organisation does not yet have an online account, go and create a company account)
Step 3: Track your application via your dashboard - you can find an application based on the request ID, the location, the type of application, the work type, the road name, the town, postcode or the date the works are expected to happen:
Why do you need the Section 278 (or S184) road space permit?
You need the Section 278 (or S184) road space permit (unless you are acting under a statutory right) if you need to work on the public highway to alter the layout of the highway in line with a signed S278 legal agreement or S184 agreement. You will also need a S278 road space remedial permit or S184 road space remedial permit to undertake remedial works to previous works on the public highway.
You can only start the work when the permit has been issued and the signed permit has been received (the licence will be a pdf document). Any work done prior to this will constitute an illegal opening of the highway (this may not apply in the case of an emergency opening) to which warning, fines and prosecutions may result.
If the start date changes from the one on the original licence application you must inform the Events & Open Highways team immediately by email S278roadspace@worcestershire.gov.uk so that road space can be reviewed and potentially booked for the new dates.
Please note:
- Section 278 legal agreement needs to be signed in advance of applying for this the road space element
- there are fines for ‘late’ submissions of ‘Works Start’ and ‘Works Stop’ notices as detailed in the issued permit
- if for any reason we need to check any information submitted we may need to contact you for clarification - please see the Council's Privacy Notice for further information about how we use your information
How long does the application process take?
The application will vary dependent on the length of the works viz: minor/ standard / major, so please give as much notice as possible.
You can track your application via your dashboard based on the request ID, the location, the type of application, the work type, the road name, the town, postcode or the date the works are expected to happen.
The cost of the Section 278 road space / Section 184 road space permit for new works and remedials will vary according to the duration of the planned works. There are additional fees for larger or more complex works as these require more planning and inspections:
- fees are payable by credit/debit card
Download: Application fees (PDF)
Next steps
Does your organisation already have an account?
If your organisation has already applied for permits or licences such as Road Closures, Section 50, skips etc. via our online systems, your organisation should already have an account.
If your organisation does not yet have an account with us, please go to the create a company account page.