Speech and language
If your child has, or you think they have, a speech, language and/or communication need.
If your child has, or you think they have, a speech, language and/or communication need, you can consult the Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Pathway for practical guidance, information and tools. The Pathway will help you to recognise and identify a speech, language or communication need, guide you in creating and maintaining a "communication-friendly" environment for your child and signposts to other sources of information.
Find out more information from the
Speech and language tips for starting school
By the time they start school, children should be able to talk in sentences so that people can understand them. They should also enjoy stories, nursery rhymes and having conversations.
There are lots of things you can do to help your child to develop their talking, attention and listening skills. These include tips like:
- reduce background noise made by people talking or having the TV on so that your child has the best chance of hearing what you are saying
- encourage your child to look at you when you are talking to them by doing 'copycat' games like Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- use 'ready, steady鈥o' games to help children listen and wait for instructions
- keep instructions short and simple and tell your child what you want them to do rather than what you don't want them to do, for example, "walk" rather than "don't run"
Speech and language development for children aged 2 to 4 years
This is information about what language your child can understand and what they can say between the ages of two to four years. There are also some ideas and activities which will help you to encourage language development in your child.
All this information is very general; please remember that all children develop differently. If you have any concerns about your child鈥檚 speech and language development, please talk to your Health Visitor or Speech and Language Therapist.
Many children's centres across 全国探花 run 'talking walk-ins' which are drop-in sessions to discuss any concerns about your child's speech and language development with a professional. Find a drop in near you on the Family Hubs page.
The activity sheets below provide lots more tips and games you can play with your child to help with their speaking, attention and listening skills. You can also find lots more advice on the .