
Jargon Busters (SEND)

Jargon Busters (SEND)

Help with understanding the difficult words in the area of SEND.

The world of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is full of words, acronyms, and phrases which you may not be familiar with. Working with parent carers we have found several websites which contain guides and jargon busters, which you may find useful.

  • The Council for Disabled Children publish a guide which explains some policy words and terms which EPIC (which was the Department for Education’s young people’s advisory group on the SEND reforms) created:
  • Healthwatch È«¹ú̽»¨ have a page on their website which has links to jargon busters for NHS terms, Mental Health and Adult Social Care:
  • Contact have a useful A-Z guide of medical conditions
  • Herefordshire and È«¹ú̽»¨ Special Educational Needs & Disability, Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) also publish a glossary of SEND terms and acronyms SENDIASS Glossary | HW SENDIASS
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