
I’m not happy with an educational establishment (SEND)

I’m not happy with an educational establishment (SEND)

What do to if you are not happy with a childcare provider looking after children or young people with SEND.

If you are not happy about something with your childcare provider, then you should contact them first. All registered childminders, daycare providers, nurseries, playgroups and preschools must have a process for handling complaints. If you’re not happy with their response then contact . 

Schools, including Academies, now deal with complaints internally, the Local Authority no longer has any role in the investigation of complaints about schools.

All schools must make their complaints policy and procedures available to everyone – and there is usually a copy on the school website. Any disagreement you have should be made following their guidelines. You may wish to contact SENDIASS for some impartial advice.

You can find out more on how to complain about a school here: .

Complaints at Stage 4, following a Governors Complaint Panel, if unresolved should be sent to the Secretary of State for Education, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BT.

If you’re not happy with your college or apprenticeship, then follow the advice on the website. 

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