Choosing the right childcare
Here you will find useful information about choosing the right childcare for your family needs.
Choosing childcare that suits your needs
There are many different types of childcare available and you will want to choose a childcare setting that is best suited to your family's needs.
Many childcare settings have waiting lists so it is a good idea to plan ahead.
Choosing childcare is an important decision for any parent. It is your responsibility to ensure that your child is safe and happy in an environment that is fun, educational, and nurturing.
Visiting childcare settings
Here are some useful tips:
- try to make an appointment to visit at least once on a normal working day
- take your child along and see how they react in the setting
- think about what you would like to know beforehand
- ask lots of questions
If possible, visit a range of different types of childcare settings (e.g. nursery, childminder) to compare them.
Spend as much time as you need, visiting a second or third time if you would like to, before making your final decision.
Things to consider when choosing childcare
Useful links
- Different types of childcare
- Is your child ready for school?
- Applying for a school place, reception upwards
Search for Ofsted Inspection Report
More information on , including inspection reports can be found on their website.
When searching for a childminder you may need to have their Ofsted Unique Reference Number, it will be on display at their setting or you can ask them when enquiring about their availability to take your child.