
North West È«¹ú̽»¨ Corridor (NWWC)

North West È«¹ú̽»¨ Corridor (NWWC)

On this page you will find more information on the proposed improvements to the North West È«¹ú̽»¨ Corridor (NWWC).


È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council (WCC) is developing a Strategic Outline Business Case for the North West È«¹ú̽»¨ Corridor (NWWC). 

The NWWC scheme covers three roads, the A491, the A450 and the A456. 

  • the A456 broadly runs west-to-east between Bewdley and the È«¹ú̽»¨ county boundary with Dudley
  • the A491 MRN corridor broadly runs north-to-south between Hagley and Junction 4 of the M5 motorway
  • the A450 runs from its junction with the A456 to the north east and the A449 Black Bridge junction to the south west

The route forms part of the Major Road Network (MRN) in the county. 

This is the primary A road network which performs a strategic function in connecting the major settlements to the motorways and trunk roads.

There is congestion and journey time reliability issues along the corridor and it is expected to experience an increase in traffic from the development proposed in the Wyre Forest Local Plan (adopted April 2022).

The funding

In November 2020, È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council submitted an expression of interest to Midlands Connect (MC) for the NWWC to fund initial development of  proposals for the improvement of the corridor. 

As a result, the County Council was awarded funding from the Midlands Connect ‘Preparation Fund’ in January 2021 The funding is being used to support the development of proposals for the Scheme.


The proposals for the strategic outline case are being developed to assist in mitigating the impact of existing and future congestion along the route.   

The map below shows a summary of all the schemes in the NWWC Scheme Package, this is followed by individual maps proposing improvements at 5 locations.

A456/ A442 Proud Cross Ringway

The proposals show the conversion of the existing priority roundabout* to a signalised crossroads with signalised pedestrian facilities.

*Priority roundabout is a standard roundabout where priority is given to traffic approaching from the right.

A456/ A451 Coventry Street

Conversion of the existing priority roundabout to a partially signalised roundabout with signalised push button pedestrian facilities.

The subway to the south to remain but improved lighting and signing to be provided with an at-grade crossing provided to the north of roundabout.

A456/ A449 Land Oak

Enhancement of the existing signalised crossroads to include pedestrian/cycle facilities. Upgrade of signalling equipment, conversion to MOVA* signal operation.

*Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation (MOVA). MOVA changes traffic signal green times based on the traffic flow conditions at the junction.

A456/ A491 War Memorial Roundabout

Enhancement of the existing signalised roundabout to provide A456 Through-about* with the construction of a dual lane through the existing central island and provision of a two-lane exit onto the A456 Kidderminster south arm. The Scheme also provides widening works on the A456 northbound arm and amendments to the signals to improve the flow of traffic through the junction. 

*Through-about is where a new road is built through the centre of the roundabout allowing traffic between the two busiest arms to directly travel through the junction.

A450/ A448 Mustow Green Roundabout

Replacement of the existing roundabout with a new larger roundabout to just northwest of the existing location.

Public Engagement Exercise 2022

The County Council would like to thank everybody that took the time to respond to the survey.

See a summary of the public engagement exercise, key themes and È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council's responses below:

NWWC Public Engagement report (PDF)

What happens next?

A Strategic Outline Business Case for further funding was submitted in Spring 2023 and is currently awaiting determination and further funding allocations.

Useful links

Relieving congestion

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