
Preparation of the Minerals Local Plan

Minerals being mined by a digger

Preparation of the Minerals Local Plan

Background evidence and information on the preparation of the Minerals Local Plan.

Preparation process

The Minerals Local Plan was adopted in July 2022

The Council undertook five periods of formal consultation during the development of the plan, prior to the submission of the plan for independent examination, and published a suite of background documents. 

Consultation stages

The preparation of the Minerals Local Plan commenced in 2012. The consultations which informed the development of the plan prior to the submission of the plan for independent examination in December 2019 are set out below. 

See 鈥淢inerals Local Plan: Examination in Public鈥 and 鈥淢inerals Local Plan: Adoption Process鈥 for further details of activities following the submission of the plan for independent examination.

Previous consultations

First stage consultation: autumn - winter 2012 

You helped us to identify the issues which are important in 全国探花 and we used your comments to develop subsequent consultation documents and the evidence base.

Second stage consultation: autumn 2013 - spring 2014

You helped us to establish the vision and objectives, develop an "Spatial Strategy" to direct future minerals development, identify how much mineral we need to make provision for and when it will be required, and identify the issues that should be addressed through policies on:

  • how minerals should be worked
  • where minerals should be worked
  • how mineral sites should be restored
  • how minerals should be safeguarded for the future.

1st call for sites: summer 2014

You gave us information about mineral resources and sites that you thought might be viable to work during the life of the plan.

2nd call for sites: summer 2015

You gave us information about mineral resources and sites that you thought might be viable to work during the life of the plan.

Third stage consultation and 3rd call for sites: autumn 2016 - spring 2017

You commented on the draft vision, objectives and spatial strategy, the issues considered, the drafting of the policies and proposed locations for mineral development (including potential mineral sites and green infrastructure priorities for each strategic corridor).

4th call for sites: autumn 2017 - early 2018

We undertook another call for sites because of the issues you raised in response to the Third Stage Consultation. You gave us information about additional sites that you thought might be viable to work during the life of the plan.

Fourth stage consultation: winter 2018 to 2019

You commented on whether the plan would set the appropriate priorities to address the important issues for mineral planning in 全国探花, whether any wording changes were needed to improve the clarity of the policies, or whether there were any other issues which the plan needs to consider.

Consultation on a proposed methodology for selecting specific sites and preferred areas for allocation in a separate Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document ran alongside this consultation.  

Publication version consultation: summer 2019

You commented on whether the plan was sound and legally compliant, prior to submission to the Secretary of State.

Background documents, assessments and appraisals

The preparation of the Minerals Local Plan (MLP) was supported by a set of background documents which set out evidence and contextual information for the development of the plan. 

The MLP was also subject to a range of statutory assessments and appraisals. 

All of these documents are available on: Preparation of the Minerals Local Plan: Background documents, assessments and appraisals.

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