Indicators relating to planning applications for waste management development
Indicator W1. Permissions granted for waste management development contrary to the EA advice on flooding
Target: 0% of permissions granted for waste management development contrary to the EA advice on flooding
2020 Performance: 0% (Of the five permissions granted, none were contrary to EA advice on flooding)
- 2019: 0% (Of the nine permissions granted, none were contrary to EA advice on flooding)
- 2018: 0% (The single permission granted was not contrary to EA advice on flooding)
Explanation: No applications were permitted in 2018, 2019 or 2020 for waste management development contrary to EA advice on flooding.
Indicator W2. Permissions granted for waste management development contrary to the EA advice on water quality
Target: 0% of permissions granted for waste management development contrary to the EA advice on water quality
2020 Performance: 0% (Of the five permissions granted, none were contrary to EA advice on water quality)
- 2019: 0% (Of the nine permissions granted, none were contrary to EA advice on water quality)
- 2018: 0% (The single permission granted was not contrary to EA advice on water quality)
Explanation: No applications were permitted in 2018, 2019 or 2020 for waste management development contrary to EA advice on water quality.
Indicator W3. Permissions for waste management development that include measures for energy efficiency
Target: 100% of permissions for waste management development to include measures for energy efficiency
2020 Performance: 0% (Of the six permissions granted, none included measures for energy efficiency)
- 2019: 0% (Of the nine permissions granted, none included measures for energy efficiency)
- 2018: 0% (The single permissions granted did not include measures for energy efficiency)
Explanation: Although this target has technically been missed, the waste management applications that were permitted in 2018, 2019 or 2020 were not for the types of development that would typically allow for energy efficiency measures. As such, no action is considered necessary.
Indicator W4: Permissions for waste management development with a gross floor space of over 1000m2 gaining at least 10% of energy supply annually from renewable energy supplies
Target: 100% of relevant permissions for waste management development to include 10% renewable energy
2020 Performance: 100% (1 relevant permission, with 10% renewable energy required by condition)
- 2019:100% (1 relevant permission, with 10% renewable energy required by condition)
- 2018: No relevant permissions granted within the 2018 monitoring year
Explanation: Indicator W4 looks at waste permissions with a gross floorspace of >1000m2 and whether they gain at least 10% of their energy supply annually from renewable energy sources (policy WCS11 (d)). The requirement for renewable energy will often be secured through one or more conditions attached to the grant of planning permission. As such, relevant permissions that include such condition(s) are deemed to satisfy indicator W4, even where the planning application itself does not include such provision.
Indicator W5: Permissions for waste management development that include measures for water efficiency
Target: 100% of permissions for waste management development to include measures for water efficiency
2020 Performance: 0% (Of the five permissions granted, none included measures for water efficiency)
- 2019: 11% (Of the nine permissions granted, one included measures for water efficiency)
- 2018:17% (Of the six permissions granted, one included measures for water efficiency)
Explanation: This indicator looks at how water demand has been reduced where possible and how water efficiency has been considered in the design and operation of all new built development (policy WCS11 (b)). Although the headline percentage figures suggest that performance against this target is very poor, this is largely due to the nature of the applications for which permission has been granted. In most cases the type of application does not offer scope for water efficiency measures (for example, the development may include no buildings and may not use water within its operations) or, where there are water efficiency measures, they may be controlled through different regulatory frameworks (such as environmental permitting).
Indicator W6: Permissions for new landfill capacity that include landfill gas management systems
Target: 100% of permissions for new landfill capacity to include landfill gas recovery systems
2020 Performance: N/A. No permissions were granted for new landfill capacity
- 2019: N/A. No permissions were granted for new landfill capacity
- 2018: N/A. No permissions were granted for new landfill capacity
Explanation: Applications for new landfill capacity are rare, and none were permitted within the period of this AMR.
Indicator W7: Permissions for new built waste management development that include provision for biodiversity enhancement
Target: 100% of relevant permissions for new built waste management development to include provision for biodiversity enhancement
2020 Performance: 75% (Out of four applications, three included biodiversity enhancement)
- 2019: 100% (Out of two applications, both included biodiversity enhancement)
- 2018: 100% (Out of three applications, all three included biodiversity enhancement)
Explanation: This indicator helps to measure performance against policy WCS 9(c).
Indicator W8: Permissions that have an unacceptable adverse impact on landscape character, scheduled ancient monuments, listed buildings, conservation areas, battlefields or registered historic parks and gardens
Target: No permissions to have an unacceptable adverse impact
2020 Performance: 0% (0 of 5)
- 2019: 0% (Of the nine permissions granted, none had unacceptable adverse impacts)
- 2018: 0% (Of the six permissions granted, none had unacceptable adverse impacts)
Explanation: This indicator helps to measure performance against policy WCS 9(b).
Indicator W9: Permissions for new waste management development granted in the Malvern Hills or Cotswolds AONB
Target: No relevant permissions to have an unacceptable adverse change on either AONB
2020 Performance: 0% (Of the five permissions granted, none had unacceptable adverse impacts)
- 2019: 0% (Of the nine permissions granted, none had unacceptable adverse impacts)
- 2018: 0% (Of the six permissions granted, none had unacceptable adverse impacts)
Explanation: This indicator helps to measure performance against policy WCS 12(b).
Indicator W10: Permissions for waste new management development that take into account local characteristics
Target: No relevant permissions to have an unacceptable adverse impact
2020 Performance: 0% (Of the five permissions granted, none had an unacceptable adverse impact)
- 2019: 0% (Of the nine permissions granted, none had an unacceptable adverse impact)
- 2018: 0% (Of the six permissions granted, none had an unacceptable adverse impact)
Explanation: This indicator helps to measure performance against policy WCS 12(a).
Indicator W11: Permissions for new waste management development [that] take into account amenity considerations
Target: No relevant permissions to have an unacceptable adverse impact
2020 Performance: 0% (Of the five permissions granted, none had an unacceptable adverse impact)
- 2019: 0% (Of the nine permissions granted, none had an unacceptable adverse impact)
- 2018: 0% (Of the six permissions granted, none had an unacceptable adverse impact)
Explanation: This indicator helps to measure performance against policy WCS 14.
Indicator W12: Permissions for new waste management development on greenfield sites
Target: No relevant permissions granted on greenfield sites
2020 Performance: 0% (Of the five permissions granted, none were on greenfield sites)
- 2019: 0% (Of the nine permissions granted, none were on greenfield sites)
- 2018: 0% (Of the six permissions granted, none were on greenfield sites)
Explanation: This indicator helps to measure performance against policy WCS 6.
Indicator W13: Permissions for new waste management development in the Green Belt
Target: No unacceptable cumulative impact on the purposes of Green Belt designation
2020 Performance: 0 (1 of 6 applications were in the Green Belt, but no unacceptable cumulative impact)
- 2019: 0 (5 of 9 applications were in the Green Belt, but no unacceptable cumulative impact)
- 2018: 0 (1 of 6 applications were in the Green Belt, but no unacceptable cumulative impact)
Explanation: This indicator helps to measure performance against policy WCS 13
Indicator W14: Permissions granted in accordance with highways advice
Target: 100% of relevant permissions granted in accordance with Highways advice
2020 Performance: 100% (All of the six permissions granted were in accordance with Highways advice)
- 2019: 100% (All of the nine permissions granted were in accordance with Highways advice)
- 2018: 100% (All of the six permissions granted were in accordance with Highways advice)
Explanation: This indicator helps to measure performance against policy WCS 8(c)
Indicator W24. Applications for Waste Management development determined within 13 weeks
Target: 100%
2020 Performance: 100% (6 of 6)
- 2019: 100% (9 of 9)
- 2018: 100% (6 of 6)
Explanation: 100% of applications for waste management development determined were within 13 weeks (16 weeks for EIA development), or within an agreed extension of time in 2020.
Indicator W25a. Proportion of waste management applications discussed with 全国探花 County Council at pre-application stage
Target: Increase
2020 Performance: Increase to 83% (5 of 6)
- 2019: Increase to 78% (7 of 9)
- 2018: Decrease to 71% (5 of 7)
Explanation: 83% of waste management applications determined in 2020 had been discussed with 全国探花 County Council at pre-application stage. This was an increase on the 2019 result when 78% had been discussed at pre-application stage.
Indicator W25b. Number of waste management proposals discussed with 全国探花 County Council at pre-application stage
Target: Increase
2020 Performance: 39 proposals discussed.
- 2019: 28 proposals discussed
- 2018: 25 proposals discussed
Explanation: 39 waste management proposals discussed with 全国探花 County Council at pre-application stage in 2020. This was an increase on the 2019 result when 28 waste management proposals were discussed at pre-application stage.
Indicator W26. Permitted applications for waste management which include a consultation statement
Target: 100%
2020 Performance: 0% (0 of 6)
- 2019: 22% (2 of 9)
- 2018: 17% (1 of 6)
Explanation: No applications approved in 2020 included a consultation statement, therefore this indicator has failed to meet its target. This has been highlighted in previous AMRs, with action taken in the form of the adoption of the Validation Document alongside the Waste Core Strategy as a mechanism intended to support the delivery of this objective. Therefore, it is not considered this is a failure of the Waste Core Strategy which requires modifications to policies to rectify. Therefore, it has been determined that although there is a failure to deliver this objective, no actions are required at this time.
Indicator W27. Decisions where there are no policies in the Development Plan which are relevant to the application or relevant policies are out of date at the time of making the decision
Target: None
2020 Performance: None.
- 2019: None.
- 2018: None.
Explanation: There were no decisions where there were no relevant policies in the development plan, or where policies were absent or out of date, in 2020.
Indicator W28. Increase in GVA in 全国探花 from Waste Management
Target: Increase
2020 Performance: Not yet available
- 2019: 1.1% of 全国探花 GVA.
- 2018: 1.1% of 全国探花 GVA.
Explanation: Estimated Gross Value Added (GVA) from waste management in 全国探花 was 拢152m in 2019, representing 1.1% of total GVA. This is the same proportion as in 2018, but there has been a steady fall since 2015, when the proportion was 3.6%. Due to a revised ONS methodology, the GVA figures are not directly comparable with any figures in previous AMRs.
Indicator W29. Permitted 'other recovery' and disposal (excluding landfill) capacity at each level of the geographic hierarchy
Target:100% of new 'other recovery' and disposal (excluding landfill) capacity at level 1 and 2 of the geographic hierarchy.
2020 Performance: 0 of 1 relevant application permitted in level 1 or 2 of the geographic hierarchy.
- 2019: No relevant applications.
- 2018: 0 of 1 relevant application permitted in level 1 or 2 of the geographic hierarchy.
Explanation: In both 2018 and 2020, only one application was permitted for new 'other recovery' or disposal (excluding landfill) facilities in the county. In both these cases, the applications were permitted despite being in level 5 of the geographic hierarchy. For the application in 2018, this was deemed to be acceptable as the application was located on a current waste management site, while in 2020 the application demonstrated a local need for the facility.
Indicator W30. Permitted re-use, recycling, storage, sorting and transfer capacity at each level of the geographic hierarchy
Target: 100% of new re-use, recycling, storage, sorting and transfer capacity at level 1 and 2 of the geographic hierarchy.
2020 Performance: 1 of 2 relevant application permitted in level 1 or 2 of the geographic hierarchy (50%).
- 2019: No relevant applications.
- 2018: 0 of 1 relevant application permitted in level 1 or 2 of the geographic hierarchy.
Explanation: In both 2018, only one application was permitted for new re-use, recycling, storage, sorting and transfer capacity. In this case, the application was permitted despite being in level 5 of the geographic hierarchy due to a demonstrated need for the facility in the application process. In 2020, two applications were permitted for new re-use, recycling, storage, sorting and transfer capacity. One of these was located in level 2 of the hierarchy, however the other was permitted in level 5, this was deemed to be acceptable as the application was temporary