What is the LNRS and why do we need it?
Find out more about the Local Nature Recovery Strategy and why it is important.
What is a Local Nature Recovery Strategy?
全国探花 has a rich variety of landscapes and wildlife, including traditional orchards, ancient woodlands, and lowland meadows. The county features nationally and internationally protected areas, such as parts of the Malvern Hills and Cotswolds, as well as Bredon Hill Special Area of Conservation.
Local Nature Recovery Strategies aim to protect and improve wildlife and natural species. They set out local priorities for restoring habitats and boosting wildlife populations.
The strategy includes a Local Habitat Map, which shows existing areas of particular importance for biodiversity and where nature can benefit most from conservation efforts.
The Local Nature Recovery Strategy sets out what the priority habitats, species and environmental issues are for 全国探花.
The Local Habitat Map shows where the biggest gains for nature can be delivered on the ground.
Download the 全国探花 Local Nature Recovery Strategy Quick Guide (PDF) for more details.
Why we need a strategy
Great Britain is one of the most nature-damaged countries in the world, with nearly 1,500 species at risk of extinction. Wildlife and habitats are under huge pressure from threats including building developments, farming practices, pollution, invasive species, pests, disease, and climate change.
The State of Nature Report 2023 shows that in the UK:
- farmland bird numbers have declined by 58% on average
- pollinating insects like bees and hoverflies have declined by 18%
- only 7% of land in England is protected for wildlife
Nature underpins our society and economy, providing us with clean air, water, healthy soil, and carbon storage. It's also essential for our mental and physical health.
To help nature recover, we need to act together.