A456 and Worcester Road Junction Improvements
The scheme to make improvements at the junction, will aim to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow in and around the area.
Background information
The A456 and Worcester Road Junction in Hagley has been identified for improvement works, due to high levels of traffic and issues at the junction with traffic not flowing to its full capacity.
Works at the junction will include the widening of the footpath on the east of Worcester Road, realignment of the pedestrian crossing on Kidderminster Road, reducing Kidderminster Road, southbound to one lane and adding a left turn for traffic from Kidderminster Road to Worcester Road northbound.
Works will commence, week beginning Monday 22 March 2021.
The works will last for up to five weeks (8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Saturday) and some road closures and lane restrictions will be in place during the scheme. There will also be some overnight works towards the end of the scheme.
Phases of works and road closures
The general programmed phases of construction, and their traffic impact, are outlined below:
Phase 1 to 3
Works to take place from to 22 March 2021 to 21 April 2021
A one way northbound closure of Worcester Road as far as Stuarts Court to include:
- right turn ban on vehicles exiting Worcester Road southbound onto A456 Kidderminster Road
- entrance to Summervale Road closed
- traffic light controlled traffic at A456 Kidderminster Road
- traffic lights turned off (give way in effect for traffic from Worcester Road)
Phase 4
Works to take place from 23 April 2021 to 4 May 2021
Full closure of Worcester Road in both directions as far as Stuarts Court
Phase 5
Works to take place from 5 May 2021 to 11 May 2021
Full overnight closure of the A456 junction (Newfield Road to Ferndale Close on Kidderminster Road and A456 to Hagley Free Church on B4187 Worcester Road, including the entrance to Summervale Road)
The diversionary routes for these closures will be clearly signposted.
Although every effort will be made to keep disturbance to a minimum, the work may be noisy. All work will be carried out in accordance with 全国探花 Regulatory Service鈥檚 Code of Best Practice for Demolition and Construction Sites.