Redditch railway station frequently asked questions June 2023
Information and frequently asked questions about Redditch railway station redevelopment.
Section 1: About this public engagement
Why are you undertaking a public engagement?
È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council is undertaking a public engagement exercise on its plans for the redevelopment of Redditch Railway Station ahead of submission of an application for planning permission.
The purpose of the pre-planning public engagement exercise is to provide an opportunity for the local community, businesses and other stakeholders to comment on the proposals for Redditch Railway Station. The observations, guidance and comments received during the public engagement will be used to inform the station redevelopment proposals.
Where can I find out more information about the proposals for Redditch Railway Station?
You can find out more about the plans for the redevelopment of Redditch Railway Station at our community drop-in events:
- Kingfisher Centre (by Boots) Friday 7 July 2023 10.00am to 1.00pm
- Kingfisher Centre (by Boots) Saturday 8 July 2023 10.00am to 1.00pm
Alternatively, you can view information online at Redditch Railway Station.
If you do not have access to the internet or require a copy of the engagement materials in an alternative format, please contact È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council’s Major Projects Team either by:
- e-mail: majorprojects@worcestershire.gov.uk
- post: Major Projects, Redditch Station, Pavilion A1, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, È«¹ú̽»¨. WR5 2NP
Please include the reference ‘Redditch Railway Station’
How can I have my say?
È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council is inviting people to submit their comments on the plans for the redevelopment of Redditch Station using the online feedback form on Redditch Railway Station.
If you are unable to submit feedback via our online form, you can provide feedback in writing by
- e-mail: majorprojects@worcestershire.gov.uk
- post: Major Projects, Redditch Station, Pavilion A1, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, È«¹ú̽»¨. WR5 2NP
Please include the reference ‘Redditch Railway Station’
The closing date for comments is 7 August 2023.
What will happen with my feedback?
Once the public engagement period has closed, È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council will review and consider all the feedback received.
A summary of the comments received and how these will be used to inform the development of the proposals will be published on the project web page at Redditch Railway Station.
È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council will then prepare a planning application which will be submitted to the local planning authority by the end of the year. A Statement of Community Engagement (describing the public engagement process and where feedback from residents, businesses and other stakeholders has informed the development of the proposals) will be submitted in support of the application.
Once a planning application has been received by È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council in its capacity as local planning authority, they will make the planning application documents available for viewing on their online public access system and will write to consultees to invite comments. Further information about commenting on a planning application can be found online at Planning applications.
Section 2: Scheme development and delivery
Why are È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council redeveloping Redditch Railway Station?
- the redevelopment of Redditch Railway Station is a priority in È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council’s Corporate Plan ‘Shaping È«¹ú̽»¨â€™s Future’ (2022-2027), È«¹ú̽»¨ Local Transport Plan (LTP4) and È«¹ú̽»¨ Rail Investment Strategy (2023), The adopted Borough of Redditch Local Plan and Regenerating Redditch Masterplan supports the redevelopment of the railway station to create a new gateway to the town centre which will sits at the heart of Redditch Borough Council’s Railway Quarter ambitions.
- investment in Redditch Railway Quarter is essential for Redditch to compete effectively with nearby towns for economic activity and growth, and to attract more residents and visitors into Redditch town centre.
- once constructed, the new station will support an increase in passenger numbers by unlocking capacity to connect more residents, visitors and businesses by rail across the County and beyond.
- the existing Redditch Railway Station provides a poor first impression of Redditch for anyone arriving by train. It currently comprises a small station building, with limited waiting areas and a retail outlet which is currently vacant. The existing station provides access for wheelchair users however it is non-compliant with current standards.
- the redevelopment will deliver a new landmark station building and landscaped public realm providing an accessible, attractive, modern and welcoming gateway to the town and final destination on the Cross-City railway line from Birmingham.
- the project will improve connectivity between the railway station, town centre, bus, taxi and active travel options (cycling, walking) moving people away from travel by private car, reducing congestion and improving air quality on key corridors.
Who is delivering the redevelopment of Redditch Railway Station?
È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council is developing plans for Redditch Railway Station working with Redditch Borough Council, Redditch Town Deal Board and the rail industry.
The capital cost of the project is anticipated to be £11million (excluding land acquisition), this is funded via È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council’s Capital Programme for Rail Investment and a WLEP Getting Building Funding award.
The funding for the project has been approved by È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council’s Cabinet and allocated for the specific purpose of the Redditch Railway Station redevelopment, for example it cannot be spent on other projects or allocated to different departmental budgets.
When will construction start? When will the construction be completed?
È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council’s ambition is for construction to commence by early 2025, subject to necessary consents, and completed in 2026.
Will the station remain operational through construction?
Yes, construction will be phased with the intention of Redditch Railway Station remaining operational throughout.
Is there any ambition to introduce more stations and rail services for È«¹ú̽»¨?
È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council’s strategy for its railways is contained in the ; this sets out the role of the railway over the next 30 years in supporting the County’s economy, growing communities and its precious environment
Section 3: Information about the station?
Where is the station redevelopment happening?
Redditch Railway Station is located on Unicorn Hill, in Redditch town centre. Access to the station is achieved through the existing station car park or from a pedestrian crossing across Unicorn Hill linking to the bus station located in the base of the Kingfisher shopping centre or via a subway from Plymouth Road.
What is happening at Redditch station?
The redevelopment of the existing Redditch Railway Station will involve:
- the construction of a new two storey accessible station building with modern, facilities including ticket office, passenger waiting areas, toilets and retail unit providing increased capacity for passengers.
- the creation of a new landscaped public space in front of the station.
- improved access and accessibility for all users
- an upgraded crossing over Unicorn Hill providing access to the existing bus interchange, the Kingfisher Centre and Redditch town centre.
- new improved cycleways on Unicorn Hill and cycle storage facilities at the station
How will the redeveloped station improve accessibility?
Redditch Railway Station is being designed in line with Department for Transport guidelines on accessible railway stations to provide step free access. Furthermore, Network Rail’s ‘inclusive design’ guidance will be followed to help deliver ‘inclusive, accessible, convenient and welcoming station environments for everyone’. An assessment of the scheme is being undertaken throughout the design process to ensure the redeveloped station is accessible and inclusive for all.
Amongst the facilities at the station the following will make it easier for those with accessibility requirements to use the station:
- improved wayfinding signage
- lift access to all areas of the station
- passenger and taxi drop off / pick up within the station car park
- real time information boards for bus and rail services
- audio frequency induction loops for station announcements
- contrast / increase natural light / less clutter
- an upgraded crossing over Unicorn Hill providing access to the existing bus interchange, the Kingfisher Centre and Redditch town centre
Section 4: Getting to and from the station
How will the station link up to the town centre/Kingfisher Centre and bus interchange?
An upgraded pedestrian crossing over Unicorn Hill will provide access to the existing bus interchange, the Kingfisher Centre and Redditch town centre.
Are any changes to bus services proposed as a result of the station redevelopment?
The project is unable to directly influence bus services but is consulting with bus operators on connectivity with the station. Real time passenger information screens with details of bus services will be included within the station.
How will the station link up to cycle/walking routes?
Redditch Railway Station redevelopment integrates access for cycling, walking and bus travel promoting uptake in active and sustainable modes of transport to and from the station. The project includes improved provision for cycle storage and cycleways on Unicorn Hill.
Will there be any changes to the car parking?
There will be a modest reduction in the number of car parking spaces available in the station car park to provide the passenger / taxi pick up and drop off area. The number of blue badge spaces will remain unchanged.
Will there continue to be a charge for car parking?
Yes, there are no changes to how the car park is currently managed as a result of this scheme – there will continue to be a charge for parking at this location.
Do you anticipate any impact on neighbouring roads?
A Transport Assessment will be submitted in support of the planning application to consider the impacts of the development on all users including motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and people with reduced mobility, based on a scope agreed with the Highway Authority.
Section 5: Trains and services
Will there be any changes to train services?
Redditch Railway Station is on the Cross-City railway line as the final destination running from Lichfield in the north through Birmingham New Street Station. The junction for the Redditch branch line is at Barnt Green. There are currently 4 trains per hour on the Cross-City railway line with 2 serving Redditch Station and 2 Bromsgrove Station. Changes to timetabling and rail service provision is outside the scope of this County Council project.
Train services are unreliable – what is being done to sort this?
Rail ticketing, prices, services and strikes are outside the scope of the project. It is worth noting that the government's plans to establish Great British Railways to reform Britain's rail network and create a simpler, better system continue to move forward.
Section 6: Managing the environment
What is the environmental impact of the station redevelopment?
There are a number of ways in which the project is looking to reduce its carbon impact these include:
- the design will retain and refurbish existing structures on the site wherever possible, this reduces embodied carbon rather than building new structures
- the project includes the installation of solar PV panels on the roof of the new station building
- the project includes provision for cycle storage and integration with the sustainable transport network promoting uptake in active and sustainable modes of transport to access the station
- the project will create a new landscaped public open space to improve biodiversity and resilience to extreme weather events
Redditch Railway Station has been the subject of ecology surveys and assessments, undertaken to understand its ecological sensitivity. As part of the planning application Biodiversity Net Gain assessments will also be submitted.
How will you manage construction impact?
Details of how construction will be managed to mitigate the environmental impacts (including noise, vibration, dust and traffic) will be subject to a planning condition.
As this is an operational railway line it is anticipated there will be some out of hours construction at this location. The contractor will keep neighbours informed about planned working arrangements so they are aware of and can plan for any disruption. Every effort will be made to ensure that impacts of construction on residents and businesses are kept as low as possible, both during daytime working and in the event that essential work needs to take place at night or weekend.
Construction will be phased with the intention of Redditch Railway Station remaining operational throughout.