
Solar Together

Solar Together

Solar Together, buying solar panels and battery storage made easy.

Important update: Deadline for registrations extended to 13 September 2024

The Council has partnered with independent experts in group-buying, iChoosr Ltd, to bring this opportunity to È«¹ú̽»¨â€™s homeowners.

Solar Together È«¹ú̽»¨ is an innovative scheme offering high-quality solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery storage. It is a group-buying scheme, which brings È«¹ú̽»¨ households, small businesses and community groups together to get high-quality solar panels at a competitive price, helping you through the process and keeping you informed at every stage.

In 2023, the Solar Together È«¹ú̽»¨ scheme delivered a total of 5,279 solar panels were installed across the county, it is estimated that these installations will deliver over 9,000 tonnes of carbon reduction over 25 years.

Registrations close on 13 September so register now. To register visit:


You can speak to an agent from the Solar Together Helpdesk by:

phone: 0800 014 8851, Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm

Alternatively, you can contact an agent via the Solar Together contact form:

Further information

Solar Together have a designated page for FAQs on their website covering a range of questions around the topic. Visit for more information.

Benefits of installing solar PV panels

Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels provide access to a renewable source of energy: the sun. Your solar PV system will generate electricity for you, meaning you are less dependent on energy companies and can save money on your electricity bills by using the energy you generate.

The sun provides a clean and renewable source of energy – unlike finite fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal – you will help to reduce CO₂ emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future of energy production.

How do solar PV panels work

Your solar PV system generates electricity during the day as soon as there is daylight. The more light there is, the more electricity is generated. This means your solar PV system will produce more electricity on longer days in the summer than shorter days in winter.

Required maintenance

Solar PV systems require minimal maintenance and all Solar PV installations carried out as part of Solar Together come with extended guarantees and warranties.

It is not necessary to clean your solar PV system as there is regular rainfall all year round that does the cleaning for you. However, if you do wish to clean your solar panels we would suggest you can contact a specialist solar panel cleaning company.

If your roof is unsuitable for installing a solar PV system (e.g. because it contains asbestos), the installer will inform you about this after the on-site roof survey. In this case, your deposit will be fully refunded.

Installation timeline

The installation usually takes one or two days. Scaffolding has to stay up for another two working days after the installation has been completed. This is to allow for any follow up work or inspections that may not be possible during installation.

What does the Council do?

The Council is working in partnership with iChoosr, independent experts in group-buying, to deliver Solar Together.  The Council do not select the contractor or monitor their installations. The Council’s role is to help promote the opportunity to residents in our area. iChoosr is responsible for the process up until the moment you accept your personal recommendation and pay your deposit. After you have paid your deposit the winning installer will take over the responsibility of your installation.

Solar Together will remain available to provide assistance and answer any questions you may have.

Solar Together are responsible for appointing installers, for which they have a vetting process. In order to ensure that any installers entering the Solar Together auction can offer the required high level of service to a large group of customers in the required timeframe, the experience, quality, stability and capacity of the installers is interrogated beforehand through a rigorous qualification procedure. 

The qualification procedure takes a number of weeks, and is designed to ensure that only installers that can successfully execute the group-buying scheme can enter the auction. This is in order to safeguard the required level of quality. The qualification includes a review of all essential certifications and insurance policies, as well as customer satisfaction and a detailed financial due diligence of the company.

Other quotes

Whilst the Council promote and support the Solar Together scheme, we recommend you get at least more than one solar panel quote before making a decision. As every property is different and there are differences between solar panels, getting multiple quotes will allow you to compare prices and services which will suit your property best and get the best value for your money.

Planning permission

Solar PV panels are known as a "permitted development". This means that for most domestic properties, planning permission is not required. If you are only having a battery installed, you will not need any planning permission. However, if you live in a conservation area you may need planning permission.

If you want to install panels on a listed building then you will require listed building consent. If you want to install on a building that is not listed but within the grounds of a listed building then you will need planning permission.
If you think you need planning permission or listed building consent, please arrange this with your council as quickly as possible. It may take several weeks or months for the permission to be approved. Contact District Council

Find out more

For more information, visit , where you can register for the scheme and get in touch with our helpdesk.

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