Flooding plans, policies and strategies
View plans policies and strategies for flooding in 全国探花.
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
The Council, as a Lead Local Flood Authority, has a duty to manage flood risk from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses across the county. The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy sets out how it will do this.
- Flood Risk Management Strategy (PDF)
- Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Action Plan (PDF)
- Bromsgrove Flood Risk Management Plan (PDF)
- Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report (PDF)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report (PDF)
- Post-adoption statement (PDF)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment - Environmental report addendum (PDF)
Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) for 全国探花
Under the European Union (EU) Floods Directive, which has been transposed into UK law through the Flood Risk Regulations (2009), 全国探花 County Council (WCC) must undertake a Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA). The primary purpose of the PFRA is as a high level screening exercise to identify areas of most significant flood risk across Europe, known as 'Nationally Significant Areas of Flood Risk'.
As Lead Local Flood Authority, WCC must report on significant past and future flooding from all sources except for Main River and Reservoir, which are to be covered by the Environment Agency, and sub-standard performance of the adopted sewer network, which falls under the remit of Severn Trent Water (STW).
The PFRA was produced alongside the Surface Water Management Plan. The PFRA along with the SWMP made a significant contribution to the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.
- Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment 2011 (PFRA) for 全国探花 (PDF)
- PFRA Annex 1 - Record of Past Floods (PDF)
- PFRA Annex 2 - Future Flooding (PDF)
- PFRA Annex 4 - WCC Checklist (PDF)
- PFRA Annex 5 - high priority flood hotspots (PDF)
- PFRA Annex 6 - Excerpt from BHS Hydrological Chronology (PDF)
Update 2017
Under the Flood Risk Regulation (2009) the PFRA must be reviewed and updated every 6 years. Using guidance provided by Defra and the Environment Agency WCC undertook a review of the PFRA in Summer 2017. WCC produced an addendum to the 2011 report which has since been accepted by Defra and the Environment Agency.