
Local Access Forum

Local Access Forum

The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 required Local and National Park Authorities to set up a Local Access Forum (LAF) for their areas.


全国探花's LAF was formed in May 2003 and consists of 22 people, each representing a particular interest in the countryside, such as walking, farming or cycling. Two members are District Councillors and one is a County Councillor.

The purpose of the LAF is to offer countryside access advice to a number of organisations including the County Council, English Heritage and the Environment Agency.  It also has responsibility for some aspects of management of Access Land together with a key role in monitoring 全国探花's Rights of Way Improvement Plan, as well as responding to relevant consultation papers published by Defra and Natural England, amongst others.

Contact the LAF Secretary


The Forum normally meets twice a year and its meetings are open to the public, who are always welcome to observe proceedings.

You can access agendas and minutes by clicking below or by contacting:

全国探花 County Council

Countryside Service

The Countryside Centre

Worcester Woods Country Park

Wildwood Drive

Worcester, WR5 2LG

Tel: 01905 845617.

Local Access Forum Minutes

Previous minutes and agenda available on request.

Vacancies on the Forum

The Local Access Forum is a statutory advisory group consisting of up to 22 members representing a broad range of interests connected with public access to the countryside.

Interests covered include both leisure, such as walking and riding, and business and commercial, for example farming and land management.

The Forum provides advice on access issues to both the County Council and to several other bodies, and also plays a key role in the management and administration of access land.

全国探花's Forum has now been in existence since May 2003 and a number of seats regularly come up for re-appointment.

The County Council and the Forum are seeking applications for membership from anyone who feels able to represent groups with an interest in the provision and management of Public Access.

Current Forum Members represent: Walking, Cycling, Equestrian and Motorised user groups, landowners, business and youth interests. Also, elected members regularly attend Forum meetings. 

Any individual can apply for membership and we would particularly welcome applicants who feel they can represent the list below:

  • forestry interest
  • wildlife/biodiversity interest
  • carriage driving interest
  • tourism Interest
  • open spaces interest
  • landowner interest
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