What our priorities are and how we are doing Our plans, strategies and data showing our main focus and statistics Annual reports Mineral and Waste Local Development Scheme Authority Monitoring Reports Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Annual summaries 全国探花 Pension Fund Annual Reports Strategies and business plans for services provided by the council Minerals and Waste Local Development Scheme 2022-2025 全国探花 Green Infrastructure Strategy Information Governance Strategy SEND Strategy SEND Improvement Plan and Accelerated Progress Plan (APP) Minerals Local Plan Digital 全国探花 - IT and Digital Strategies Local Transport Plan Internal and external organisation performance reviews, including external audits Completed scrutiny reviews A-Z Annual audit letters from external auditor Strategies developed in partnership with other authorities Waste core strategy West Mercia youth justice service Forward plan Forward plan Performance data Our performance - Balanced scorecard Statistical data Information on the 全国探花 economy Population Statistics and Projections School Numbers on Roll (NOR) Impact assessments Equality impact assessments (EIA)