
What is Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) for providers?

What is Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) for providers?

Information on provider applications, funding and more.

Who is this information for?

This information is for lead providers who are interested in delivering the HAF Programme in È«¹ú̽»¨.

A lead provider is the organisation responsible for coordinating the HAF project, they may then coordinate a number of sub-providers (venue, workshops, food providers etc) to deliver the holiday programme.

Lead providers must meet the HAF requirements and hold overall responsibility for the successful delivery of their holiday activities. Lead providers will apply for the grant funding to cover cost of running the holiday activities and pay any sub-providers from that budget.

Lead providers could be charities, CICs, schools or private organisations. Priority will be given to providers who are È«¹ú̽»¨ based and feed into the overall sustainability of youth provision across the county

Who is this programme for?

Eligibility criteria for the HAF programme.

What is the HAF programme?

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme is Department for Education funded to offer free holiday clubs to eligible children and young people.

Research has shown that the school holidays can be pressure points for some families. For some children that can lead to a holiday experience gap. Children from low-income households are:

  • less likely to access organised out-of-school activities
  • more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health
  • more likely to experience social isolation

The HAF programme is a response to this issue. Evidence shows that free holiday clubs can have a positive impact on children and young people. They work best when they:

  • provide consistent and easily accessible enrichment activities
  • cover more than just breakfast or lunch
  • involve children and parents in food preparation
  • use local partnerships and connections, particularly with the VCSO sector

Basic Checklist for Providers (see individual pages for each details of each requirement). All lead providers should meet all of the following:

  • healthy meal and snacks (hot meal where possible), all meals must meet school healthy food guidelines
  • at least 1hr physical activity each day in a way that is accessible and enjoyable for all children
  • opportunity every day to take part in other enriching activities or experiences non-sport based (arts, crafts, learning, life skills, leadership etc)
  • nutritional education for children and young people, either through workshops or opportunities to be involved in preparation and planning of meals to teach healthy eating and food independence
  • nutritional education for families; involvement, encouragement or workshops where relevant
  • safeguarding – see ‘Safeguarding Requirements’ page
  • reporting requirements
  • FSM Verification Requirements

Who can apply for funding and what can it be used for?

We welcome applications from a range of charities, CICs, private childcare organisations and schools. A few examples of providers we work with:

  • existing clubs or groups who are running a private (non-HAF) provision who would like to fund and open a few places directly to FSM families through the HAF booking system
  • schools or Community Centres who would like to set up a new club or activity day for children (we encourage providers to open their sessions up to all children and families, either through match funding or by offering paid places to non-eligible children)
  • community Groups who have a group of children that they would like to offer activity or support to over the school holiday periods 

Non-Lead Providers 

Part of our vision for HAF is to include a variety of different activities and new experiences for children and young people. 

If you have a workshop, venue or idea that you would like to offer to the HAF programme, please contact us.

Artist workshops can be promoted to our HAF network through Severn Arts, who coordinate a centralised arts offer (See ‘Golden Nuggets’) each holiday period.

For all other workshops we can share booking details and offer to our providers to coordinate directly.

Which holiday periods does the funding cover?

HAF funding is available for Easter, Summer and Christmas school holidays. HAF funding does not cover half terms and cannot be used to offer provision during term time or half term.

Funding can be used to support a comprehensive, inclusive, and accessible offer, e.g., setting up new provision where needed, paying for additional staff to expand existing provision or to meet additional needs, etc.

Funding can also be used to support quality improvement, e.g., money to bring in activity providers such as sports coaches; money to establish partnerships with catering organisations.

Please contact us on providers@hafworcestershire.co.uk if you would like to discuss funding options.

HAF Funding Application

If you would like to contact the HAF Team to discuss your EOI or plans prior to submitting this form, please contact us on providers@hafworcestershire.co.uk 

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